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Just sharing my ideas one of my favorite book series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin. This video may contain spoilers for those of you who are not up to date with the series. That goes for the HBO show and the books.
I’m just speculating and guessing on some ideas that I have on how future events will transpire in the series. Keep in mind however, I know nothing.
Concept Art by Craig Mullins –
The triarchs ride everywhere on elephants by Marc Fishman –
Slave markings of Volantis. Artist: Douglas Wheatley
Patchface by Sanriko –
Shipwreck – Horace Vernet
Shipwreck – Aivazovsky Ivan –
Ted nasmith a song of ice and fire storms end –
Patchface – by Amok, El Trono de Hierro es conocido por cortar a los hombres adultos en tiras. –
Melisandre & Maester Cressen. Art by Gino Whitehall #melisandre –
Maester Cressen by mcf –
Patchface by Bokuchan –
Kimberly Pope Dragonstone Concept Art VIII
Quaithe, the Priestess of Asshai – by ScrumpleBerry
Melisandre by – by AniaMitura
Melisandre of Asshai by dejan-delic –
Melisandre and the Shadow Assassin by Jerry Liu
Ours Is The Fury: Adorable House Baratheon Family Portrait by lubyelfears
Stannis Baratheon by Joshua Cairos –
The deep ones by Sarmati –
The priests of the Blind God among the mazes of Lorath, as depicted by Jordi Gonzales Escamilla
When the Deep Ones wake by taisteng –
Shireen Baratheon Game of thrones. by YvyB13 –
Melisandre by LudvikSKP –
Iron Born –
What is dead may never die, by Tommy Arnold.
Moon and Sea. Artist: George Dmitriev –
Patchface by BustADraw –
Shireen Baratheon by GiuliaBellanti –
Iron Islands by eternalyoung –
Deep Ones by Nick Derington
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In the books sombody siad thet the vayris is a merman meyby varys is a deep wan in westeros?
I kind of like the vibe of paranormal/ghost hunter programme XD
Shouldn't have been cut
Hes azor ahai ez…
Dead things in the water…
Under the sea is actually a metafor for death.
uhm… ewww?
There was something really unnerwing about Patchface.
I never thaught that I ever say that but I'm glad Melisandre burned him
I always knew the series was dark, but I don't think I had a full understanding of the circumstances within the book until I watched your video on Arya Stark. Been watching your videod all morning! Love the work! Patchface has always creeped me out.
I never thought about Patchface in relation to the origin of Storm's End. I wonder if the sea or the things in it might want Shireen as a means of finally taking that castle.
I always thought Patchface to be innocent, before you know it, Weasel from Clash of Kings is a servant to the Black Goat of Qohor
ive never found any other youtuber who talks about a song of ice and fire lore to be that fascinating
Damn man, this was so creepy.
Isn't shireen dead? Or is that just the show?
the theory was golden until the last bit where you suggested that the deepfolk are somehow interested in the iron throne and that their best plan is to have a halfwit kidnap the Shireen to produce a "legitimate heir"
I don't think I ever paid that much attention to Patchface. After this video, I'll keep my eye on him next time I read the novels. I'm getting heavy Pennywise vibes from this.
They all float down here
Please don't use that voice ever again.
Your gonna give me nightmares, I'm just a boy.
WTF I'm watching this at 3:20 AM. I'm scared.
Another character that I would have loved to see in the show, but at least I understand why he was cut.
Isn't there a tale from the Age of Heroes about how the the first Storm King Durran Godsgrief married the daughter of the Sea God, Elenei? This seems like Durran abducted a mermaid and sired children with her. According to the legend he waged war upon the Gods after they killed his family and guests and ultimately built Storm's End with Bran the Builder's help to provide a fortification against their powerful magics. If we are to believe the tale, then abducting Shereen Baratheon could be a way of the gods exacting a revenge.
Chucky confirmed!
I really hope Patchface or Shireen die before Shireen becomes a woman so I can keep this as head cannon
you should look into voicing books on tape
It's the toad! #Witch'sFamiliar
Another hint for the Deep Ones – the people of the Thousand Islands are completely terrified of the sea and will choose death over stepping into water.
I wish you hadn't done such an evil-sounding voice for Patchface. That voice would hardly be appealing to a child as Patchface apparently is to Shireen. It's also more creepy if he actually is evil but has a happy voice, rather than having a cartoonishly evil voice.
Now I am glad shireen got burned in the show…
maybe greyscale could be related to your theory…
but why not send steffon to lys 90% of lyssenis are of the old valyria, with purple eyes and white/silver hair
reptilians rape children confirmed
I have a few questions I would really love your input on. They dont deal with Patch face and you deal mostly with the books so you would be able to understand and answer. It deals with Ashara, Brandon, Ned and Cat but I haven't seen these ever brought up. Ohhhh ,also I wanted to ask your thoughts about a video I seen on another page. Secrets of the Citadel had a theory about why the Other didn't attack Sam. She brought up how he took his vows at the weirwood to the Old Gods. Have any of the NW that said vows to the Old Gods been attacked by an Other specifically not a wight ? I have to find the video again for more on the theory but that was a question posed .
It's pronounced cur-tiers