Belle by director Amma Asante audition tapes featuring Sarah Gadon (Cosmopolis, A Dangerous Method, Maps To The Stars, Dracula Untold) and Emilia Clarke (Game of Thrones, Terminator: Genesis).

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    Its an audition let them show what they prepared for the given project, alot of you dont know how negatives your comments are really being im shocked this even got leaked i would have flipped a table.
    I thought Emilia was very solid and the same with Sarah and Claire all three brought three different things to the role.

    For instance Sarah is the better Elizabeth but i bet Emilia is the better actress for the character in GOT

    Just cos you have a right to an opinion doesnt mean you should express it, Jesus christ!

  2. Sarah was obviously better, but she turned down the role and nothing can change that. We wouldn't even know if Game of Thrones would be even more popular than it is now that Emilia's Daenerys. Who knows? Pergaps this show wouldn't even last for 8 seasons if Sarah took the role, we wouldn't know if she and Kit Harington would even have chemistry, all we know is that Game of Thrones is the best fantasy show in tv history(or just in my opinion)which happened to have cast Emilia Clarke as daenerys, I'm not saying that Emilia is the reason why this show is so popular, I'm saying had Sarah took the role, would the show be any better? Or worse? We would never know. Perhaps this was meant to be, perhaps the gods made Sarah change her mind and let Emilia take the role because they knew Emilia would be perfect for Dany……but this is my opinion, don't judge me for speaking my mind.

  3. Emilia is such a horrible actress. She looked like she was trying too hard. I get it, most people find her attractive but I don't, she makes this terrible facial expressions on got, that I cringe every time I see her. 😂 I wonder how she got the role for star wars. or how she got the terminator instead of brie Larson.

  4. LOOK IT'S QUEEN ELIZABETH! Are we not gonna talk about little Claire Foy? 😀 I do think Sarah nailed the part, but Claire had an awesome delivery with that "appropriate" line. In my opinion, if Sarah hadn't gotten it, the role would've been Claire's.

  5. Claire Foy got the other Elizabeth part. :)) But I'm glad Sarah Gadon got the part for Elizabeth Murray. Emilia has a different take on the character which would definitely change the dynamic between Dido and Elizabeth (and the story).

  6. As an actress I love this video so much and I always come back to it. It's wonderful seeing the different interpretations everyone brings to a role. Also seeing how Sarah was the perfect fit for the role glad she got it I loved the film!

  7. I haven't seen Belle but based on performance alone I thought Emilia was the best one tbh. Claire Foy wasn't as dynamic to me, and I'd not seen the other actress before, but she's obviously American because her accent kept slipping.

  8. Let's just be glad that guy didn't get the role for Elizabeth or else it would have been a whole other movie. lol Oh and Sarah isn't even British, she's Canadian, yet she is able to do great accent in each film where I have seen her play a British character. For me that alone is a win, because when I watched Belle she made me a believer of her being British.

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