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Hey guys, SnapJelly here to talk a little bit about the swordfighting in game of thrones, now when I say bad I don’t mean that all the fighting in game of thrones is bad, not at all but there are some things thet make doing fight reviews a bit difficult.
Today I will talk about Jaime vs Brienne, Bronn vs ser vardis egan and a little bit about the Mountain vs the Hound (get hype) at the end of the jousting.
lol love the way snap ediing abiltys are as bad as the sword fighting in game of thrones well acording to him lol,,dont wanta upset anyone,,i dont think you can upset snap he seems very level headed
Nice video bro, subscribed.
I guess Bron was being overly careful seeing as vardis had quite the advantage
I think Brienne resting the sword on her hand like that is her saving her strength, in the books she was taught that good stamina was bbig part of winning a fight so thats kind of her tactic now.
you look like you should be a character on the game of thrones lol
Is that a sparring sword?
Why is stiffler talking about swords?
That guard…even though they are not really using it correctly (don't rest it on your arm) is called SchlΓΌssel. When I use it, it is mostly transitional and not a guard I would recommend to "camp out" in during a fight.
Would we give you hell if we asked you to review Arthur Dayne's battle? lol
Do Mountain vs Viper
Lol when it got blurry you looked like Stifler from American Pie with a wig on doing an impersonation
They do not use helmets , to make us identify with the actors , this is funny because most of the attacks go for the head and shoulders and upper limbs That is the way we are constructed They use helmets while on horsies , because fight there is quite dangerous and horse is not a robot it could damage stuntman … wise enough
The only actor in the show that i'd really flak is Nikolaj Coster-Waldau(totally didn't Google spellcheck), not because he's not good with a sword, but because he pretends to know anything about swordsmanship.
They are so slow for longswords , they expose themselves while swinging swords, they not use thrusts (its safe that way for actors), they use long swords but some very bulky and quite heavy version …. they exchange blows only to parry, in the direction of enemy sword, just few thoughs……
He was chained
where are you from?Β i hear the accent.Β danish?Β dutch?
Do more fight reviews!
Hope I inspired π
dude…two pieces of advice: 1) cut your hair, you're not Taylor Kitsch; 2) get to the point of what you want to say, you spend soooooo much time in long, boring, repetitive digressions. Really.
this video reminded me of Republica – Ready to go video
The actor for Jon Snow, Kit Harrnington, is very good with swordwork. That's why they kept shoving him in swordfights, from Hardhome to Battle of the Bastards.
for you what would be the most versatile type of sword in hiatory
No, they could NOT have still done this. You partially cover up your face with your arms up like that – which might be realistic, but it looks bad on TV. Unless you're shooting a documentary, "looking good" always beats "looking realistic" in cinematography. π
Dont forget they are standing with a heavy sword and heavy armor, that makes you slow, they are not standing in a t shirt and a plastic sword.
Your hand gestures are too exaggerated. No disrespect intended, but it's just distracting
SnapJelly Hello mate,
Can you review "training" fight Boldwin and his father from Kingdom of heaven? At the beginning of movie in forest.
what's your background? are you a world class swordsman? did you study sword fighting?
when did the mountain fight Brianne?
Ehh, that's not quite what Bronn was trying to do. He was trying to tire ser Vardis out and wear him down. He knew he wasn't as armored and less skilled than ser Vardis, so he didn't take too many risks while also letting him make a few swings he knew he could deflect. He takes cheap shots when he knows he can get away with it because he doesn't fight with honor and his opponent does. He's the kind of fighter who exploits his opponents which isn't a bad strategy at all.
Imagine how awesome it would be if they actually had realistic fights. You'd have a lot of fights be over in a moment, and then you'd have those few fights, where the two fighters were at a similar lvl. That would be so cool. You'd have all these short fights, showing the audience how quickly it can end. How fragile a human body actually is. And you'll feel and actually see how skilled the two fighters are! If I ever create something with sword fighting in it, that's how I would want it to be.
Again, as always in film- shields are used as counter weights to your sword swing not actually a shield between you and the opponent. Might happen with a militia but not an experience footman.
ohh I see a book ' dinosaurussen ' , are you perhaps from Belgium ? π
Even the books got that kind of stuff wrong. I mean, that one fight between the full armored knight vs the non-armored mercenary was really stupid. Seems like Mr. Martin doesn't know much about armor.
that's some Popeye-level forearm to bicep ratio you've got there mate.
Why are you shaking your hands like a fuckin retard
Are you prince valiant?
I don't have any experience with swords but I think the main reason why many 'sword moves' or stances are very wrong in Hollywood movies is for this main reason: modern people love guns. The way they are holding their swords in the first fight, is like they are aiming (their) guns at the opponent's face. Better watch that sword miss, it might go off if you're not carefull!
The mountain and brienne never fought it was brienne and the hound
Bronn has said it himself, he likes to wear out his opponent before striking.
I remind you to never turn autofocus on again in the future
while I get what you are saying with the "after that move he should have done this" and you're totally right
But…..maybe it's because I'm still new to the swordfighting-scene (HEMA for maybe 8 months) but often outside of the fght I think "do this and when that happens do that, maybe" and practice various moves alot, but when it comes to the heat of the fight all that tends to fly out the window
we analyze with logic, but in battle, logic doesn't exist
You be useful ina zombie apocalypse
In GOT, No one knows the basic point about swordfighting.
never turn autofocus on in the future.
Bron's tactics was to let him wear himself out. Through taunting moves and waiting it out. It's a well known boxing tactic.
Don't turn on autofocus