Ser Barristan Selmy was known as not only a great fighter, but also a man of high integrity. We lost him in season 5, but not before he cut down a number of the sons of the harpy.

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Ser Barristan Selmy art by Mike Capprotti (

In season 5, there was a scene that was a loose tribute to an AMAZING scene in chapter 68 of “A Dance with Dragons.”
In case you haven’t read the books yet, or if you have and you want to take a trip down memory lane, we will share it with you in this video.

I’ll briefly set up the stage to the scene and then I will describe what happens using a bunch of quotes from the chapter. George RR Martin’s writing is legendary.

I encourage you all to either read the books or listen to the audiobooks. I am addicted to Audible.

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***SPOILERS through book 5 and season 6 off Game of Thrones***



  1. barristan is such a badass. i love the speech he gave before battle where he told his troops "you may drop your sword or shield, just pick it up, you may shit your pants, i did my first battle, but no one will care. hate your enemy if you must, love him if you can, but raise your sword and bring it down on him none the less". and the fact he prayed to the mother not to watch over him but his men who were the closest things to sons hed ever know. what a perfect example of a general

  2. Man, honestly I was thinking what the frack is this guy thinking with these animations? Then I kept watching, and watching, and watching and it was the best audiobook experience I've had. Subscribed! Hope you feed us more of this, thanks my friend

  3. You seems to be a good man like sir bariston selmy .
    In 1 vs 1 fight sir bariston selmy was comparable to Arthur dayne but with one difference Arthur dayne had better sword . So 1 vs 1 fight between them would have been epic . As rr Martin tells in book that he was knighted so early which tells he was god gifted with his ability .even jammie lanister admired him

  4. Not to spoil the show, but in the Field of Fire this episode, the Lannisters should have performed better in melee considering the slashing Dothraki Arakhs would have glanced off their armor. Of course, the dragon's fire would have still prevailed.

  5. The only thing I don't like about game of thrones is that the fighting is very unrealistic. No matter how good Selmy was, if fights were realistic he would've had zero chance against 5 king's guards. Even 2 of them would probably be enough to beat him.

  6. Great video Kev!
    I was so disappointed when they showed the Harpy dominate the "fierce unsullied" , Greyworm and Ser Barriston. Show could have done better on this one. My son (a book reader/expert) almost stopped watching over this one.
    Ser Barriston is one of his top faves.

  7. This was a terrific read with complementary visual effects, great work. Still bothers me Ser Barristan was prematurely eliminated in the show. Could you tell me what program you used to create the effects on the screen, it was very smooth and added much to the production. Thank you

  8. Yeah show barristan was a bit of a disappointment cause in the books he is badass. I think you got it wrong though, barristan is able to make it into hizdahr's chambers due to conspiracy he puts together with the men, operation groleo, named after the ship captain who lost his life when hizdahr was in charge because he was being held among with daario and many others. When he shows up in the room he says groleo to the guards and they say groleo back, and he knows they're in on it too. Ps. Skahaz played him, imo

  9. Barristan was really sold short in the show. You'd think that at the very least if the show was going to go with a Barristan that was past his days of fighting battles they would have at least had him start training knights. It would have been cool to see Larraq the Lash, the Red Lamb and Selmy's other trainees get pissed over his death and wreak havoc on the slavers. I guess show Barristan was so old and infirm he couldn't even manage to pass on the ideals of Westerosi chivalry to some of Dany's freedmen.

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