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true,thats the best one man stand off badass fight we will ever see men!!
4:50 typical woman gets into all that trouble then runs to him to get out of it.

I'm sorry this is just a bit silly. She's not even a sizable snack for one of those T-Rex's why fight to the death for her. The ape would make a good meal but they are not going after him they keep trying to get her…. she must be T-Rex catnip or something?
What about Kong vs a Spinosaurus, now that’s a different fight. 2 of them, no way. The blonde is a cheese-it.
His Kong-Fu is strong!
Mighty Joe Young!!!
Can you imaging the babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Naomi must have some colossal core strength.
Coulda done without the falling thru the vines stuff.
Well, I can't hep mysef:
Bad ass dinos too.
Great, but how come those horrible bites won't hurt Kong at all?
ارجو التواصل معنا و تعليقات
Go Kong kick ass
He will always be in our heart <3 :ccc
The t-Rex would have done too much slipping and sliding in what I️ was leaving behind to ever catch me
only Aussie woman make out with giant monkey
King kong is a yandere
Esse filme foi meu sonho realizado … sonho da Setima arte..
Could not take T-rex serious with those baby arms.
best fight scene ever made, not even close jackie chan has done many fight scenes even better without cgi being used at all, and why does hollywood think viewers would be fooled by 3 rex`s focusing solely on one tiny woman, i wouldn`t give up steak to chase, fight for and then share a moth with 2 other versions of me, there must be other animals easier to hunt than fighting kong for one tiny meal.
And that's why dinosaurs died out and primates rule.
I do really love how Kong use to play with the of the last "Rex" he just've finished to crush. Very realistic detail about the behaviour of a real preadator with the animal he have just killed minutes ago.
But it's a very strong and enterteining piece of a movie about fights. This is true.
something deeply primal about this scene…. the ape over the reptile… our ability to multi task…and perhaps passion, with a touch of hate…
You all getting it wrong. Kong was using this female to lure some mean fellas into fight and have his way with them.
All I can think of is … how come her bones are all shattered from that whipsawing? And also … is there any reason at all why the three dinosaurs would happen to really only be interested in eating her? But really… it's the whipsawing-impossibility that makes it unwatchable. It's just too stupid.