2017 is coming to a close and it’s been an amazing year for video games! So amazing that we can’t just pick our Top 5! Join us for our Best of Awards Part 1 as we give our picks for Best DLC, Most Disappointing, Biggest Surprise, Best Visual Design, Best Soundtrack and more!

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  1. My favorites (at least for Nintendo):
    New Character: Cappy
    Most Playtime: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (560 hours)
    Favorite DLC: Haven't bought any (Sonic Forces' Episode Shadow doesn't count, that's multiplatform)
    Disappointment: 1-2 Switch
    Surprise: ARMS
    Soundtrack: Super Mario Odyssey
    Visuals: Super Mario Odyssey

  2. New Character. Young Goro Majima.

    Most playtime. Persona 5 (95 hours). runner up Yakuza 0 (80 hours)

    Soundtrack. Nier Automata. runner up Persona 5.

    Best visual design: Gravity Rush 2. runner up Persona 5 and Breath of the Wild

    Best games this year and I recommend these games 100%. I haven't played Samus Returns, FE Echoes, Mario and Xenoblade yet.
    Yakuza 0 & Kiwami
    Gravity Rush 2
    Breath of the Wild
    Persona 5
    Nier Automata

  3. – New character: #2) Revali #1) Berkut
    – Most playtime: #2) fire emblem: echoes #1) zelda breath of the wild
    – Favorite DLC: #2) Zelda Botw #1) Specter of Torment
    – Disappointment: #2) ??? #1) Fire Emblem: Warriors (waste of potential)
    – Surprise: #2) Doki Doki Literature Club #1) Metroid: Samus Returns
    – Soundtrack: #2) Fire Emblem: Echoes #1) Metroid: Samus Returns
    – Visuals: #3) Cuphead #2) Breath of the Wild #1) Metroid: Samus Returns

  4. Best charactes need to be from Xenoblade Chronicles 2, omg they are awesome. My runner up is Electra, she's so adorable, and has such a emotional impact. She wants so much to use her powers to help people, but she can't control her powers properly, so she keeps shocking people(the scary thing is, she's a optional side char, she's not even a support char or something, yet so much effort was put into her).However the winner has to be Nia, she's all around amazing, personality, VA(English VA), dialog, ect all fits the char so perfectly

  5. Top 3 Favorite games of 2017

    1.) Mario Odyssey
    2.) Cuphead
    3.) Sonic Mania

    1.) Mario Odyssey was very fun to control, it took me back to the days of sunshine and 64. Story wasn’t the greatest but I value gameplay more, which this game excelled at. Multiple transformations with unique controls and challenges plus new worlds with interesting character designs led to a good time.

    2.) I’m a sucker for the 30’s art style and traditional animation in general. This game was a entertaining run and gun which I had a blast playing. It isn’t afraid to challenge the player either, which is good to see in 2017. The parry mechanic was nice to use and the mixture of weapons you could choose from was great. The dedication and heart poured into this game from the developers also puts it on my list.

    3.) I’ve always loved the classic Sonic games, but the originals had their flaws. Sonic Mania took what was good about the originals and meshed it into a new game. The special stages being a low poly 3d was fantastic and was also just plain fun to control. The new Drop dash mechanic I used constantly threw out the game, it really helped keep the games momentum chugging along. The new stages breathed new life into the game and Sonic,Tails and Knuckles designs were well executed and very nicely animated

  6. So here I go, my picks for the category in the same way you guys are doing it. Only my winners get descriptions:
    Best new character: Runner up: Rabbid Luigi.
    Winning character: The Hat Kid. She is just so adorable and charming. She's got a lovable level of innocence to her, but at the same time has a cheeky sense to her. And her voice clips are a mix of adorable and hilarious.
    Runner up Most Played game: It's probably be Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
    Most played game is probably Fire Emblem Heroes. I play this at least once every day since it was release and I'm still playing it. It takes characters from all across the series history and for once does not solely rely on how popular they are. There are so many characters and there are more coming. The gameplay is just as you'd expect, just compressed for a mobile device and it gets the job done. I really enjoy it all.
    DLC Runner up: Fire Emblem Warriors
    Best DLC: Fire Emblem Heroes. If the constant updates count, the countless characters, new features and fixes make the game better and better with each monthly update.
    Runner up disappointment: Splatoon 2
    Most disappointing: Sonic Forces. You guys basically said it all, it's just a game they over hyped with interesting ideas that were half baked.
    Surprise runner up: Mario + Rabbids
    Best surprise: Mario Party: The Top 100. Yes, it wasn't the game we were hoping for. Yes, they put it on the wrong system. But as a guy who has been with the series since the first game, I can live with it. I can play single player games pretty well and I still love my 3DS so the Top 100 is just another game I can fully enjoy for the system. And I was so glad to see that surprise, I kinda let my nostalgia win the day with this one and I don't regret it.
    Soundtrack runner up: Sonic Mania
    Best soundtrack: A Hat in Time. Almost every track was amazing. My favorites include the boss battles and the Time Rift themes. Beautiful songs hands down.
    Visual runner up: Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga + Bowser's Minions.
    Best visuals: Cuphead. I haven't played it, but I've seen my brother play it and I've said countless times I love how it looks. I love that old fashion cartoon visual, it just looks awesome.

  7. Favorite new character: Mipha.
    Longest playtime: Breath of the Wild, 420 hours (and counting!).
    Favorite DLC: Breath of the Wild Expansion Pack.
    Most disappointing game: Pokémon Ultra Sun / Ultra Moon.
    Biggest surprise: Golf Story.
    Best soundtrack: Super Mario Odyssey.
    Best visual design: Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap.

  8. My choices: Best new character 2) Poppi from Xenoblade 2, I feel like she got plenty of development in XC2 and she was just a joy to watch in cutscenes and she is the heart of some emotional cutscenes in XC2.1) My favorite character this year is also from XC2… That is Nia. She is Poppi but better. I love her backstory, her design, her personality, she just hits all the right points for me. Heck she might even be my favorite character of all time rivalling Shulk!Most PlayTime: 2) Splatoon 2.1) Zelda … Not much to say about these two. All I can say is, if I gotten XC2 this year, it would make this list very easily. Plus Zelda is number one, because I played both versions.DLC: Um… Not much DLC I got this year other then Zelda and Splatoon 2… Um…. I am just going to say looking forward to the DLC for Xeno 2.Biggest Disappointment: I only really have one disappointment, everything this year I was looking forward to either met or exceeded my exceptions! … but Sonic Forces… Oh boy, I can write for long time for this one, but all I will say is I am still getting the game and going to try it for what it is, then what it isn't.Surprise: 2) Blaster Master Zero. I never tried this series before and when I played this game… I love it from start to end, wish the guy can live through a 5 cm jump, but I still loved it.1) METROID IS BACK BABY! … Yeah. Soundtrack: 2) This is going to piss some people off, even though Sonic Forces is a disappointment… It had a great soundtrack!1) XC2… Holy crap I love this soundtrack!Visuals: 2) I am going to say XC2, and I know a lot of people will disagree. My only problem with the visuals is sometimes hair will go through the characters models… That is my issues. Anyway, I love the look of this game!1) (…) But it doesn't beats Cuphead.
    Anyway that is my list! Hope you agree with these or see where I am coming from!

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