It’s our Stephen King-A-Thon! A combination of all the Stephen King video games. All two of them. Wooooooo.

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  1. The short story is about a lazy guy who hires a lawnmower man and he runs over a gopher and eats it. Then it turns out the lawnmower man is a Satyr and kills the lazy man. It's awful and King wanted nothing to do with the movie. There's a short 20 min movie on YouTube. lol… it's hot garbage.

  2. How the fuck are they gonna show the same Nissan Rogue commercial, with the same goddam Beck song, 4 times in one 17min video? And it's the kind you can't skip. I'll have to come back another time for my MrSundayMovies fix, I can't take that song another 13 or 14 more times, and it's on every video.

  3. It's been a long time since I read the short story "The Lawnmower Man", but it had literally nothing to do with the film. (Spoilers): As I recall, a guy hires a new lawn mowing service that has vaguely mafia-like overtones, but when he checks on the guy mowing, he sees that the mower runs itself and the man behind it is gross, fat and naked, covered in grass stains and eating the grass clippings and small animals being run down by the mower. Turns out the service is run by the ancient half-goat god Pan. When the client tries to call the police, the lawnmower runs him down and kills him.

    How that led to Pierce Brosnan, Virtual Reality and eventually this video game, I will never know. But I bet that King simply shrugged and cashed the check.

  4. you guys should do FIFA 05 or Pes 5 in honour of the masterpiece that transcended both sports and cinema simultaneously.. 'GOAL: The Movie' lmao You honestly don't know how funny i think this would be.. :')

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