Welcome to A Song of Dan and Josh, the show where myself and blogging luminary Josh Hill walk and talk through each and every chapter of A Song of Ice and Fire, George R.R. Martin’s unfinished (for now, god willing) masterpiece.

Today, we’re covering Bran III from A Clash of Kings. What weighty responsibilities does Bran the Broken have on his shoulders?

This isn’t a monumental chapter from Clash, but as always with A Song of Ice and Fire, there’s plenty to consider. Martin is great at underlining how detached Bran feels from the rest of the world since losing the use of his legs — even as he plays the role of the Stark in Winterfell well, he can’t enjoy it. Are the mysterious Reeds the one who can bring meaning to his life, creepy though they are?

Also, I hope you enjoy our reading of Martin’s food pornography.

The Take the Black Podcast is on iTunes and Google Play! Please subscribe and download from there if you can. Also, you can help us out by giving us a five-star rating and leaving a friendly comment! We’re also now on Spreaker, so try us there, as well.

Join us live this Wednesday on our Facebook page to see us tackle Catelyn II! It’s been a while since we checked in with her. Crash through Clash with us.

Next: A Song of Dan and Josh: Bran III (A Clash of Kings)

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