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You read that right. A major Game of Thrones fan theory holds that Bran Stark is actually the NIGHT KING himself. And believe it or not…there’s some evidence!

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  1. Something is not a theory unless you present some kind of textual evidence or evidence from the show. There are definitely reasons to believe Bran might be the Night King, but this presentation is just talking out your ass. You're writing fan fiction, not presenting a fan theory.

  2. this is a crzy theory, but I liked it, but they are linked, so if the night king dies, will it also kill bran, the show has gone down hill, having incest with dany and jon, what a shame, we moved past that in the show, season 8 is gonna suck

  3. Two explanations: (1) Bran sacrifices himself by perma-Warging into that guy as he is being turned into the Night King to try to stop The Long Night from happening, but it is in vain. (2) Bran's apparent callousness and lack of empathy as the 3-eyed-raven results in a falling out between him and his siblings, resulting in his banishment from Winterfell. While in exile, he gradually becomes bitter that he is not King in the North despite being the rightful heir of Ned Stark. He wargs into the Night King at his creation, and waits thousands of years, building his army and gathering his strength, to exact his revenge and take back what is rightfully his, knowing that this is the only way a cripple such as him can gather a following powerful enough to take on John Snow, Danyaeris, and their followers.

  4. I had seen/heard other references to The Bran/Night King Theory, but your explanation of the theory is actually the 1st one that brought enough "meat to the table", so to speak, to have me second guessing whether or not it cd be true! Thanks for the video

  5. I think uncle Bengeon (Bran's uncle)-the one who always came to save them is the Night King. First he started off by saving Bran and that girl then Jon Snow. I mean ask yourself why is he always there, right in time as the hero. its something to think about especially if you look closely in episode 6 of season 7

  6. What if the Night King is just looking to kill Bran, rather than ruling the Seven Kingdoms. He may be just looking to kill Bran so as to end this loop of time, and free himself from being 'Dead' yet 'Alive' feeling. In this process, Bran is killed, and so does the Army. Bran's soul is stuck in the Night King's body.

    But there is one more prophesy, loosely believed to be related that Azor Ahai – "Part of me thinks man was well rid of it, but great power requires great sacrifice." [Thoros of Myr]

    This means that Azor Ahai may have to do some great sacrifice; which could be in the form of killing someone you love, or killing yourself – just saying. If let's say Azor Ahai is Jon Snow. Then may be to end this loop of time, and to defeat the Army of the Night King, Azor Ahai(Jon Snow/ Aegon Targeryn) may have to kill his non-biological brother Bran.

  7. Fair comments, I've always thought their was a connection between the two, more so a has I don't know if anyone has really noticed the one thing that really gets me. The Night King saw Jon Snow take out one of his Bodyguard Wites with Longclaw, He's shown Jon his strength how he can bring the dead back to life making his army invincible, he took out a Dragon knowing what it could do. Don't you think he'd have tried a little bit harder to take Jon out? Or do you think it's because he knows Jon's already Died once before so of no use. Getting rid of him would be advantageous tho even a living icicle wanting what he does knows that!!!

  8. Firstly, forgive any spelling errors.
    Secondly, Hell no! The Targarean's are "mad" because of inbreeding! Because it is their practice to marry sister/brother.
    This theory is even further proven out by Jamie and Cercei having children! (Aka, effing nutballs crazy, mean, Joffrey!) 1/3 chance or messed up crazy, and the Targareans did it for AGES!
    The saving grace of Jon and Danearys getting together is that at least some damn new blood (Stark) was infused into the line.
    And Bran is NOT the Night King. He is the antidote, otherwise, the former 3-eyed Raven prior to him would have to have been the Night King, too. No good theory, here.
    Bran is the antidote, and only wakes in these positions because he so intensely inhabits the nature of the person he's viewing,

  9. What if are the very end….The way to kill the night king is to kill Bran. And In doing so he will not become the night king at all and not whisper into the mad kings ear, the series of event after the white walkers changes and everything we know and love is rewritten? If characters still exist the same way…Targaryens would still rule, the starks would be alive, Theon would still have his junk………Or is the past really written already? God this is frustrating.

  10. i think the theory would make more sense if bran in season 8 starts to try everything he can to stop the night king. first going back in time whispering in the mad kings mind that he has to stockpile wildfire to later use against the undead army(BURN THEM ALL!!). yes season 8 bran would know he was mad and already had wildfire. but season 8 bran wouldnt know he was the one that implemented the idea of wildifre in the mad kings mind and all the wispering in his mind made him mad. kinda what happend to hodor. and as jojen and the former 3-eyed-raven hinted at, dont warg to much or you get stuck, and dont stay in the past too much or you will get stuck. he realize he had to go even further back in time to try and stop them, going back to before the children made the night king to try and convince them not to do it. not realizing he is the one that then gave them idea in the first place. so they took him and made HIM into the night king. so by this point he has become all-knowing (maybe in the face forest or whatever) so he went back spending a lifetime in becoming bran the builder, building the wall even though he by this point know they destryed it cause he understand that they needed the time the wall gave them. this makes sense for the same reason hodor is hodor. cause if bran was killed in his fall and the ink is dry. hodor would still be hodor and the night king would still be the night king. or something. what do you think?

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