Game of Thrones writer and co-executive producer Bryan Cogman has confirmed that he will not be helming a reported spin-off prequel with author George R.R. Martin and HBO. Last week’s episode ‘A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms’ was Cogman’s last as a writer on Game of Thrones and the end of his association with the Thrones universe. “I couldn’t think of a more beautiful episode to go out on”, Cogman told Variety.

Bryan Cogman's Game of Thrones Spin-off Has Been Dumped by HBO

Cogman was one of the five people working to develop various spin-off series ideas set in George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire universe, on which Game of Thrones is based. HBO cleared Jane Goldman’s idea for a pilot in June and the pre-production has started.

There’s no recent information about how the other ideas are faring, but Cogman’s version will definitely not be taken up now. He spoke in detail about this in a recent Hollywood Reporter interview as well.

“I’m definitely leaving. I was developing one of the successor shows with George … My prequel show is not happening and will not happen. HBO decided to go a different way.” 

With blockbuster episodes like ‘Oathkeeper”, “Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things”, “Stormborn”, “Kissed by Fire” under his kitty, Cogman has been one of the most consistent faces in the Game of Thrones team. But that’s all in the past now. Cogman said,

“I am done with Westeros. It’s wonderfully bittersweet. I’ll certainly miss it, but I’m excited to go out on my own and try to be in the captain’s chair of my own projects, armed with everything I’ve learned.”

Bryan Cogman's Game of Thrones Spin-off Has Been Dumped by HBO

A scene from Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 2 ‘A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms’.

The emotional tenor of Season 8 episode 2 was informed by the fact that it was Cogman’s last. For him, “It was a goodbye and a love letter to these characters and to this cast.”  And saying goodbye was by no means easy. In his words, “I’m eager to start the next chapter, but a part of my heart will always live with Game of Thrones.”

So long, Bryan Cogman. We wish you good fortune in the projects to come!



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