Check out this behind the scenes showing the motion capture and animation progress of fight scene from the last cinematic for “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt”, from the talented Senior Character Animator at Platige Image, Sebastian Kalemba!

We’ve been changing timing few times so you can see there are many differences between 1st animation pass (which I got from layout team) and the final. Director came up with few new ideas during animation process so I had to incorporated it:
– taking the cloak off and pushing the chieftain
– making ard sign broader and much stronger
– fat guy was pulling the line but now he tries to hit the girl
– slim bandit flies away because of ard’s power
– faster knife cuts
– moving hold in the end before leaving the scene

I’ve spent 6 weeks on this shot, hope you like it :).

music: The Glitch Mob – Warrior Concerto

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  1. Instead of live action movie, I kinda prefer if a Witcher movie in a full CG like this just like Final fantasy and Resident Evil CG movies. the actions would be in pure awesomeness.

  2. Może i niedojrzałe, ale jakże wymowne 🙂 Nikt mi nie wmówi, że słowa "to jest wspaniałe" wyrażają identyczny podziw jak "to jest, kurwa, wspaniałe". Dobitność drugiego zdania powala na ziemię jak Husaria pod Kłuszynem 🙂

  3. Nie, nie, nie, źle mnie zrozumiałeś 🙂 Miałem na myśli Twoją. PS. Wczoraj wieczorem kazała Cię pozdrowić i prosiła, żebym przekazał Ci, żebyś kładł się spać przed 23 bo rano do podstawówki autobus odjeżdża przed 7. A teraz żegnam, bo nie chcę mi się z Tobą gadać. Masz buziaka :*

  4. Actually one of my highschool friends works with Platige Image and he worked on some character models in this animation. He is physics major I believe. 3d modeling was his hobby since early highschool, he posted his works on some cg forums and got a job. You just have to learn 3ds max, zbrush etc., and practice A LOT. No formal studies required…


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