Channing figured the best way to introduce himself to Danny on “This Is The End” is to surprise him while in full gimp costume.
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The saddest explanation is him being bent over on a leash as a man on camera. Is he did that behind closed doors.
Both Channing and Jonah got anal raped in the movie lmao
Haha what a champion.
Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Money Shot!
I … ..him
I really liked and respected tatum . Not anymlre after that image
channing tatum, just hides behind the use of alcohol to justify his agreement for taking the part as the gimp. Smh.
I think we all have a little Gimp in us
I wish they could've caught it on video XD
oh… my… g… seeing this again, it's more horrifying than seeing him do that Beyonce song on Lip Sync Battle…

washes out my eyes
Danny would legit be semi traumatized by that trailer incident
I wanna Channing all over your Tatum
Honestly, you can how uncomfrotable Channing was talking about the "deleted scenes". I wonder what they were. Poor guy
Hahahaha… Let's put a female version of that in a movie.
Channing tatum is looking chubby…
I'll be honest I love this is the end it's a good movie to kick back and have a good laugh
fun fact: he was also drunk while shooting that scene
This scene is everyone fantasy,BELIEVE ME ….That's why this movie is legit

Xaninha Tatuí.
i fucked that guy
Is it just me or is Channing Tatum a spitting image of Jamie Oliver!?!?!??!
I will say this. That was one beautiful butt though.
Channing Tatyum
PSA: Knit ties have never been cool and will never be cool.
Are you guys on drugs? kaboom! No.
I just realized, that's a Rey Mysterio mask
That scene with Tatum was amazing.. I almost passed out laughing, the first time I saw that
That scene with Tatum was amazing.. I almost passed out laughing, the first time I saw that
spider done caught us a couple flies
Jonah is a blow fish
can Jonah hill not turn his head?
Easily the best part of the movie. Hands down