Submods have been released with new scenario start dates, throughout the history of a world of ice and fire. Join me as we try to replicate Nymeria and her husbands Mors Martells conquest of the Dornish kings.

Rhoynish wars submod-

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  1. You should try marrying off the Brindledman for science's sake. I read that they are, like the Ibbenese, usually unable to breed or have fertile offspring with other races (so maybe just like the Ibbenese are neanderthals the Brindlemen are cro-magnons?) so it would be interesting to see if they can even marry someone other than Brindledwomen.

  2. conquer westeros even the wildlings, maybe even build kings landing? then bring dragons into your empire to compete with valyria then when the time is right sail to essos and destroy the dragonspawn of godless valyria and bring the broken bodies of the freehold back to sunspear to fully avenge the rhoynar. also colonize and occupy the western part of essos to rebuild the rhoyne

  3. I should just start hitting the thumbs up before the ad stops playing haha this has the start to a wonderful series. Question: any update to the Valyrian steel swords? Would it be much easier before the Doom?

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