Dave Grohl falls off stage and breaks his leg during the second song Monkey Wrench at the Foo Fighters concert in Gothenburg, Sweden. Within an hour, he’s back on stage and he finish the show.
Dave Grohl falls off stage and breaks his leg during the second song Monkey Wrench at the Foo Fighters concert in Gothenburg, Sweden. Within an hour, he’s back on stage and he finish the show.
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imagine being the guy holding the leg ha ha
That slide into Learn To Fly… DAVE FUCKING GROHL!
What a legend
Dave coming back to do the show with a broken leg shows that Dave is NOT a "Pretender". He is a real rock legend !!
What a legend

Best comment section

What a fuckin awesome genuine dude! The whole band is amazing! If only Kurt was here to see how far his friends have gone.
Queen’s song? « Under pressure
Dave Grohl is living proof of hybrid vigour in humans
This is what you call a true musician
I love Dave Grohl!!!
Wow this made my day.
Literally break a leg
What a fucking legend.
When i grow up i want to be that doctor
I heard that Justin Bieber canceled a show because he had a headache.
I still cry
I broke my hand once, felt literally nothing. One girl had his leg broken and yelled like hell for hours. I guess it's all matter of cases. Yet that was EPIC and i'm proud of them.
I'm so happy to be alive right now to watch this! Thanks guys!
and that was the best day ever for the medic guy who hold Dave's leg. He got an awesome story for his son and grandson (later on).
jajajaja esta loco!!!
the doctor on VVIP spot hahaha
That dude holding Dave’s ankle had the best story at the dinner table that night.
Someone told Dave before he went on stage "Go out there and break a leg!" and he took it literally
You gotta wonder what he was on because he does not sound like he's in pain.
That is dedication to the job!!!!
4:10 Did Dave and Pat just kiss?
Rock star of the century. That’s class. Courage. And balls. Commitment. What a frigging champion.

Now that is fucking rock n roll!!
The man wasn't even settled before he got back at it! What an amazing dude. That's someone who truly cares about his fans. I can't wait to see them live one day. Already indoctrinated my 16 yo niece on their amazingness

What an absolute legend!!
The growing legend of Dave Grohl!
What a king
This is why there are some real rockers and little punks. Go Goteborg.
Truly legend!!!
The moment the ultimate custodian of rock becomes the ultimate Rock God.
This is literally the only time I am glad someone made an amateur recording from a concert.
So selfless.
Really admirable.
Already rich, already famous, successful, broken leg and he refuses to let people down.
I respect that.
Dave is the fucking man
haha first foo fighters song they play after dave comes back is learn to fly, which is awesome cuz who needs legs when you can fly?!