Complete Guide and Walk Through for the entire New Leviathan Raid in Destiny 2!
Time stamps:
-Leviathan Raid Beginning Encounter (Castellum): 1:16
-Royal Pools Guide: 4:00
-Pleasure Gardens Guide: 9:15
-The Gauntlet Guide: 18:00
-Emperor Calus (Throne) Final Boss Guide: 26:50
-Extra Raid Loot and Raid Vendor: 39:50
I wish you guys luck in this new Destiny 2 Raid! I hope your Leviathan Raid gear loot drops are sweet!
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I hope this guide can help! *Check the description for Time stamps!
HUGE thanks to those of you who like and share this video! Really does help me
EDIT: Check out this video for All Exotic Raid Chest Locations:
All the casual schoolkids complaining "omg 40 minute guide il never ever do the raid" nobody gives a fuck they changed every other part of the game to please the people who play 45 minutes a day enjoy that and stop moaning
Which kinetic handgun and energy weapon were you running? I already have the Merciless power weapon.
with 22:36 it is better to say don't shoot mid if it is mid.
Second part looks the hardest
I just spent 41 minutes of my life watching a raid that I won't ever complete. (I'm a 274 Hunter) kms
what is the shooty gun thingy at 32:55?
My wallnut of a brane kicked in when it said for dumies
And I thought WOTM had a lot of mechanics
Everyone who disliked is no dummy but most likely autistic
He should have said stingey instead of greedy.
What the.. why is everyone saying this is hard, this has got to be one of the easiest looking raids yet, i dont like tooting my own horn but jeez… all you need is good team communication and the rest just fits into place
I know a lot of people that need to see this. This raid is really easy just like the War Machine and Aksis raid. Once everyone gets it down it can be a quick raid.
Damn the garden section is hard
Do not kill the scions at Callus on first spawn. For every one you kill an additional wave of enemies will spawn, increasing the encounter difficulty exponentially. Heavy ammo will drop from shielded enemies. While it is nice to have, it is not necessary.
What are "ads" ?? Just regular weak enemies?
My first team we got like 48 spores or whatever the highest is
If this is the general direction Destiny is going to be making their raids count me out!
If you’re looking to do this on Xbox then message me: CheetoKing13.
I need help guys anybody not do it yet? I’m on PS4 – AiR_2_Th3_ThRoN3
Thanks Rick appreciate a pretty in depth guide to do this. Can't wait to complete this with my team when we have the time
Why does this raid feel like this?
I'm trying to do it solo & I'm in the Gauntlet room where the levers are but for me they're invisible not sure what to do
Awesome guide bro!!!!!
I have destiny 2 pre ordered on pc so i will be playing it and i am a fan. But damn bungie can you for real add difficulty settings. This looks so fucking easy.
Anyone wanna join a level 2 clan (close to level 3) PM JeyGonz on PlayStation
What's the hand cannon he uses?
Unbearably bad explanations. He will repeat some unimportant point 5 times, and speed over important things. Its like a window into what he needed to tell himself during the raid, not what YOU need to know.
Why the f is the thing late t hurts me and I watched this about a hundred times and still can figure about how to do the shit
Thanks for the guide mate, helps a lot
Hey Kackis what is that warlock chest armor you are wearing
Thanks bro You rock great video