Complete Guide and Walk Through for the entire New Leviathan Raid in Destiny 2!
Time stamps:
-Leviathan Raid Beginning Encounter (Castellum): 1:16
-Royal Pools Guide: 4:00
-Pleasure Gardens Guide: 9:15
-The Gauntlet Guide: 18:00
-Emperor Calus (Throne) Final Boss Guide: 26:50
-Extra Raid Loot and Raid Vendor: 39:50

I wish you guys luck in this new Destiny 2 Raid! I hope your Leviathan Raid gear loot drops are sweet!

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  1. All the casual schoolkids complaining "omg 40 minute guide il never ever do the raid" nobody gives a fuck they changed every other part of the game to please the people who play 45 minutes a day enjoy that and stop moaning

  2. What the.. why is everyone saying this is hard, this has got to be one of the easiest looking raids yet, i dont like tooting my own horn but jeez… all you need is good team communication and the rest just fits into place

  3. Do not kill the scions at Callus on first spawn. For every one you kill an additional wave of enemies will spawn, increasing the encounter difficulty exponentially. Heavy ammo will drop from shielded enemies. While it is nice to have, it is not necessary.

  4. Unbearably bad explanations. He will repeat some unimportant point 5 times, and speed over important things. Its like a window into what he needed to tell himself during the raid, not what YOU need to know.

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