Disney has found a lead for its live-action Mulan. Following a worldwide search, the studio announced Wednesday that it has cast Chinese actress Liu Yifei (a.k.a. Crystal Liu) as Hua Mulan. Stemming from Disney’s trend of adapting its library of animated classics as live-action feature films, this new take on the warrior woman sees a young woman disguise herself as a man to take her father’s place in the army against the backdrop of fifth-century China.
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Disney’s Live-Action Mulan Finds Its Star! | News Flash | Entertainment Weekly



  1. I wish it would still have the music. . .

    If its not a musical . . Please atleast use the songs as their background music .

    Imagine the Reflection scene withour her singing but with Lea Salonga singing the FULL version of reflection as BG music .

  2. Ive seen some of her movies and dramas, and she's pretty but her acting is meh. Whatever it is, i guess disney must have seen something in her that I don't. Hope it works out.

  3. Happy for choosing a real Chinese actress, but to tell the truth, I don't think this actress is the perfect. she has a beautiful face, she's hardworking, but her acting is….I don't know how to describe, all her characters during the past ten years tended to look like herself, nearly no difference.

  4. Not going to lie I was really hoping Jamie Chung would've gotten the role since she has already played Mulan, even though she is from Korean descent. However, I have to admit I'm really liking this casting decision. 😍

  5. Really, this would've been a great chance for Chinese American actors – and for Asian Americans actors in general – to be more prominent in Hollywood. After all, China and the entire Asia have their own film industries, and for some reason whenever we ask for more representation in American films (because unlike other historically and culturally homogeneous countries, this country is a melting pot of different cultures), they seem to give well-known Chinese actors and actresses the roles, probably to appeal to the Chinese audience since it's a huge international market. However, because there aren't that many younger well-known Asian Americans in Hollywood, shouldn't the single most well-known culturally Chinese story in the U.S. with a good reputation be a platform for more Asian American representation? I feel like the smaller roles would most likely be given to AAPI actors, but still, if an Asian American played Mulan, depending on the acting and the film's quality, it could've created a rising star. After all, America has many Asian Americans, and many Chinese Americans who could actually speak fluent Mandarin as well.

  6. liu WAS one of the most popular actresses, when she was at her teens. however for the past decade she's been doing nothing more than dumb chick flicks, so now she's just famous for notorious box office performances. however, she may still be the most suitable actress of mulan since theres no better choices.

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