Evidence against the theory that Beric already has House Dayne’s legendary ancestral sword Dawn, last wielded by Ser Arthur Dayne, The Sword of the Morning

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  1. Bridge, know that I truly enjoy your content. I live in Alabama and we have a runoff for a Senate seat going on here… So every time I watch one of you vids I have to watch a damned political ad for Luther Strange… He has waaaay too much money to blow =/

  2. Edric Dayne (Ned) was squiring for Beric and was with the Brothers. This is when he meets Arya. The sword is actually Ned's to give not his sister. So Ned could have bestowed Dawn on Beric to fight the king of Night.

  3. ummm what if Meera is the one who gives it to Bran? It seems to me that she had a scene for a reason… she could have just faded away if she didnt play some role later.. anyways just a thought

  4. What brought Magic back into this world was the Comet. I've seem so many theory video about GoT and ASOIF about what brings the White Walkers/Others but nobody mentions that there is a red comet in the sky that's the reason why magic is back. On the show the forgot about it but they definitely show it back in the beginning of season 2 and in the books they mentioned it all time. I bet the last time the White Walkers invaded the Comet was in the sky too.

  5. Completely unrelated – Can Melisandre be Shiera Seastar? From what I know Shiera and Bloodraven were lovers and half brother/sister. We know of Bloodravens powers and Melisandre but the show talks little of Shiera. Shiera is known as well read and to speak many tongues like Melisandre. She also studied the dark arts and blood magic like her mother. Shiera could have gone to Asshai to further her trainings in blood magic. Melisandre also looks to be of the age of Shiera when she removed her ruby. There was no closure to Shiera or what happened to her but I'm interested to see Melisandre meet brand.

  6. I can't remember if it's about Baric or Thoros, but in A Clash of Kings Gendry tells Arya that he always buys blades made of bad steel and dips it in wildfire and sets it alight. He says that this completely ruins the blade doing that and his master would sell him a new sword after every tourney and would always argue the price.
    At least book-wise this rules out either of them as having Dawn.
    I do like the idea that Dawn COULD end up being the new Lightbringer.

  7. If jons death was to cause the end of all troubles he wouldnt be revived.
    I think lors of light kept him alive for the end to either become the sacrifice necessary to make lightbringer,or maybe to wield lightbringer itself

  8. I read this theory is that Lightbringer isn't a sword at all, but Jaime Lannister's golden hand. I can't remember all of it but Jaime's rebirth as a character after losing his hand can be interpreted as Azor Ahai's birth. But if we pay attention to Jaime's journey since then we can see that he as a character has been tempered the same way that Lightbringer has as a sword. Some interpret his bathtime exposition with Brienne as his "tempering in water". Later his actions lead to the death of his father, Tywin Lannister, symbolic of Lightbringer's "tempering in the heart of a Lion". The last bit of tempering is supposed to come from the heart of his wife, throughout the whole series we have been getting foreshadowing that Cersei will die and Jaime will be the man to kill her. As an example in season 1 Tyrion tells Cersei that her joy will turn to ashes in her mouth, Ed Sheeran's song this season contained the phrase "hands of gold are always cold, but a woman's touch is warm", and lastly when they stood on a map and Jaime stood on the fingers while Cersei on the Neck. My theory is that Cersei's pregnancy is a lie, when this gets revealed Jaime will choke her to death with his golden hand, his hand will then light on fire, and ashes will form in the mouth of her corpse. Jaime Lannister is Azor Ahai and Lightbringer is his hand

  9. Also, just because you are married or betrothed to someone from house dayne does not mean you automatically can become the sword of the morning or get dawn.

    even members of house dayne have to become the best fighter of the house to wield it.

    also if jon's death extinguishes magic, then well he did die, but magic persisted, and was the force that brought him back…..

  10. the show is also not showing dondarrions wounds.
    when you are resurrected by the breath of the red god, your wounds dont heal.
    his neck is crushed by hanging, his chest is caved in by a lance, his eye and parts of the head are missing etc.
    in fact he is more or less a walking corpse, just like lady stoneheart later.
    and also he gives up his unlive for lady stoneheart to resurrect her.

  11. I was watching through the series again and I noticed something. There are 3 times the line "I wish you good fortune in the wars to come". First was Mance Raider to Stannis Baratheon. Then it was Arthur Dayne to Eddard Stark, then it was John Snow to Danerys Targeryan. I feel this is a little hunt about people dying in a battle of sorts. Stannis died trying to defeat the Boltons, who fight for the Lannisters. Ned died trying to beat the Lannisters. I think Danerys is going to die as well trying to defeat the Lannisters. I dunno. Any thoughts?

  12. most of it makes sense , however i believe that Dany will be the one to sacrifice her life to forge lightbringer.. jon and dany will fall in love, get married and have a child.. danys love for jon and humanity will make her let jon drive lightbringer in to her heart and the fire inside her will lightup the sword..

  13. Has no1 ever thought of using bran? Like hes probaly the most powerful weapon against a lannister. Knowing their every move? Hes like varys on a whole new level. If jon and daenerys truly team up they will be unstoppable with an army of unsullied, the khalasars, 3 fucking dragons, and the knowledge of every move the lannisters want to make. Plus why dont the northerners use dragon glass to fight normal people too? Isnt it stronger than steel?

  14. I was wondering what if Long claw could possibly become light bringer after Jon uses the sword to pierce Dany heart absorbing her fire, i didnt read the books so just a small theory , any data that could sustain it?

  15. I'm fine with both Dany and Jon dying but only in the last episode of season 8. Otherwise I don't see the point of watching the show. I mean it is more or less built on rooting for characters you love, I don't care much about just common people of Westeros as they are not our mankind they are just people of a fantasy universe. So, it's fine when two absolutely major characters sacrifice themselves for those common people of Westeros but only when the show doesn't need these two characters to create an appeal to the show anymore. Just an intellectual game of who sits on the throne can't compete with the emotional rooting the show has now. I think the show is way beyond that game. You can kill off less important characters but now it seems very established that Jon and Dany are the major characters. There is an absolute focus on them now. I would even say before the Winter came the show was Game of Thrones but now it is more of War for the Westeros. And if earlier they could kill virtually any character because the show didn't actually have prominent major characters now it obtained a more Hollywood structure with a hero (Jon certainly) who moves the story forward. If you brake it now back to the intellectual Game of Thrones the show won't be attractive anymore after all these emotions brought this season. Although I might foresee Dany being killed earlier but not Jon. He is bound to stay till the end.

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