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Spencer Gilbert (writer of “Honest Trailers”), Nick Mundy, and Roger Barr (from I-Mockery) debate with host Andy Signore (Creator of “Honest Trailers”) over the following Movie Fights for the week of 11/09/14:
3:28 FIGHT 1: Do We Like The Star Wars Episode 7 Title?
9:25 FIGHT 2: Does Interstellar Live Up To The Hype?
25:12 FIGHT 3: Best Director In The World Today?
34:06 FIGHT 4: Best Movie Trilogy of All Time?
42:59 FIGHT 5: Should Fast & The Furious End With Furious 7?
49:47 FIGHT 6: Should Andy Serkis be Nominated For An Oscar?
57:41 FIGHT 7: Do We Actually Need Toy Story 4?
1:00:57 FIGHT 8: Best Disney Animated Movie?
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Andy Signore –
Nick Mundy –
Spencer Gilbert –
Roger Barr –
Andy Signore, Dan Murrell & Jason Inman
Executives in Charge of Production
Maria Menounos, Keven Undergaro, Kristian Harloff, Mark Ellis, Phil Svitek
Shot at AfterBuzzTV Studios
48:57 a rare sight: an actually hilarious Nick Mundy moment!!
I'm late, but Interstellar was fine.
Whoa…!!!!! Best. Movie Fight. Ever? Just started watching these recently for the last 6 months or so…and now I'm catching up with all the first episodes. Thanks for the most fun I've had in a while. The shouting match re: F&F is awesome! So much passion for and against that shit. Keep it real guys…love you all.
I'm really feeling both sides, as I'm split whether or not I love to hate F&F…or hate to love stupid flicks like that…
Regarding Interstellar. If you describe a movie in a comical way of course its going to sound dumb. Take Lord of the Rings for example. Two little people with the guidance of elderly man, walk across the land to destroy a piece of jewelry in a volcano.
Michael Haneke and Pedro Almodovar are easily 2 of the best working filmmakers working today but I would imagine none of them have heard of either
Well, guys, honestly you didn't even get the real paradox on this movie. How Cooper sent a message through time to himself is nothing compared to how the wormhole got to Saturn. Future humans could build the tesseract for Cooper inside the black hole, if plan B worked on Wolf's planet, but without the wormhole there would not be interstellar travel, Wolf's planet, plan B and future humans, therefore who created the wormhole on the first place?
Best Director – David Lynch.
if you hate it you dont understand it and the physics behind it thats it
I think it is a really good movie. Not perfect though
interstellar sucked
In my opinion, Interstellar is a masterpiece of cinema and know there are some similarities to 2001: A Space Odyssey but Christopher Nolan directed the shit out of this movie and made a emotional and visual masterpiece that was epic. Kip Thorne spent A LOT of time with relativity, quantum physics and 5th dimensional physics and made all seem so real in this movie. The most controversial scene in the movie is where the protagonist is trapped in a 3 dimensional place where he can see his daughter at any time of her past from her bookshelf and I know that's pretty weird but it worked because the had lead up to this scene and made it believable. Interstellar – 10/10
You should bring Adam from YMS
I see people commenting on the side of "It is filled with plotholes" or "You just don't understand it" followed by an essay. I'm in the camp of "This movie is wasted potential". There's so much incredible science in the this movie, while it's stuffed with flat characters. Anne Hathaway's character was the worst. A scientist that's telling Cooper they need to ignore concrete data because she's in love and has a feeling… Also, without getting too technical, the radiation you see glowing near the event horizon would have killed them all, unless those vessels were simply indestructible and able to reflect/absorb all of it. Not to mention how strong the gravitational effects would be near the event horizon would have strung them all out. Visually brilliant, aurally excessive, and in desperate need of script editing.
Make a "high thought" movie this is what happens! It has problems but was very interesting! This is why we get reboots no stop!!
If your really think Nolan based this movie on a concept like "Love is the Answer", You're a big idiot who ACTUALLY did not understand a thing in the movie. And that fat guy is so, so stupid it's beyond me how he is sitting on this panel.
If l could travel back in time i'd give half of you people's mothers a 50 percent off groupon to Planned Parenthood
I liked it
I watched it in the theater when it came out and just watched it again. I liked it better the second time
Interstellar is all over the place. The first bad film from Nolan.
All those people that defend Interstellar, do they think the same about it nearly 3 years later? I continue to think that it's overrated. Not bad though.
Last Action Hero is a masterpiece!!!
Roger, thank you.
why are they yelling, and they have mics?! jeez. poor spencer.
ugh nick is back…..
Holy fucking shit. Did Nick really just say "Return of the King is the sloppiest and worst of the trilogy." I don't think he realizes it won 11 fucking academy awards. I hate Nick Mundy. It's just pathetic to listen to this guy and people consider him to be a film expert. Also Andy saying that the Lord of the Rings is one long movie……FUCK! OFF! Seriously like how do these people have jobs in film and not understand how fucking incredible those movies are. It's the greatest story ever told. It's the most impossible task. Tolkien created an entire world and universe that translated to film beautifully, and it had one of the best fucking scores ever next to John Williams. Howard Shore made a beautiful and timeless work of art. Some of the best performances ever. Sean Astin had his best character since Rudy. Elijah Wood created Frodo. He is Frodo forever. He made his stamp on the world as Frodo. Vigo Mortensen at the height of his acting career makes an amazing Aragorn. Orlando Bloom dominated Legolas and gives us an absolutely badass character. Ian Mckellan as Gandalf…like it doesn't get better than that. The list goes on and on and on of the amazing actors and beautiful performances that they all carried through 3 movies that, in extended time, run close to 11 hours. Now you ask who would wanna sit through 11 hours of Lord of the Rings? People who appreciate film. That's who. People who can understand the lore and understand that this world is an amazing place to be and has the greatest story ever. It's a fucking masterpiece that will never be topped in terms of acting all around, score, action, dialogue, scenery (FUCKING NEW ZEALAND), story telling, and lore. It will never be beaten. It is the best. End of story.
Great fight guys. Too bad we didn't get a speed round. Spencer vs. Roger. ( Andy would've given it to Spencer.)
How did the guy mention Bay and Snyder in a best director in the world question, lol, they don't belong in any great director discussion. Whedon doesn't belong in that question neither, but does have good work. Best directors in the world today. Martin Scorcesse Christopher Nolan Quinten Tarantino Stephen Speilberg Paul Thomas Anderson
I hate that guy in the Houston hat in every video that has arguments!!!! HOLY shit that guy pisses me off
All three dumbass host, talking bad about Interstellar. Do they have any idea about Physics? For your kind information, they have full time working physicist Kip Thorne. You fat as fuck, just go watch Pokeman cartoon.