Another single player, open-world game with microtransactions.
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Another single player, open-world game with microtransactions.
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Damnit this ruined my day. !!! Fucking microtransactions
Some people don't just get it !! DUDE it CHANGES the whole thing !!! Its obvious how they are gonna MAKE YOU buy those chests !! Lets set a line !! Jesus its not a f**ng free to play game !!! We r already paying 60 dollars for it (minimum ) …. where r we going….
i am still getting the game as i liked the first but wont be touching the microtransactions though i bet eventually they will suck out our souls then sell them back piece by piece through microtransactions lol.
Mrpanziplays clearly doesn't understand shit, take a sociology class at least fuckface
Keep in mind, this is the same company that tried to profit off their fellow developer's death. Their greed is already apparent at this point. Obviously this company is gonna try whatever to make an extra buck. So for my fellow gamers out there, if you hate these kinds of practices as much as i do, please buy the game, but do NOT spend a dime on any of the loot boxes. We have to cut this shit out.
@6:32 preach, brother.
just brush it off
Damn shadow of war is the only game this year I actually wanted to play :/
I dont see the point when you cant die and the game is super easy
If they don't have much time to game, then why game?? I guess since billy bob works 12 hour days we should all suffer and get slapped with micro-transactions. Maybe i'm mistaking, but I thought purchasing the full retail priced game was supporting the company.
You don't have to buy the MCs you can grind and get the same weapons and gear MCs just cuts out the time..
it's needed because now it's harder to get what you want
Like if they're gonna add micro transaction atleast don't make orcs come out of chest just armor and stuff
How about starting a petition to patch out the micro-transaction?
The way I see it there's nothing wrong with this micro transaction system as long as it works the way it has been advertised without turning the game into a grind for those who don't use it. If people want to augment their single player experience with their own money I have no problem with that. I'm not going to buy anything on the market with real money, but I think it's a good idea if done correctly. Which it sounds like it has been.
will not be buying shadow of war now i dont mind at all to pay a monthly fee for online games but micro transactions are a cancer in the video game industry and i cant believe anybody would support them in a single player game
Kill me now
I think its great and when the game comes out its gonna shut all the people who hate it up bc yes its apart of the game but by no means do you have to use it
I was pumped for this game until this. I cancelled my $100 preorder and I'll wait for the deep bargain sale in a year. I won't reward this behavior from WB.
Wait untill you see what happened with creation club them
I only clicked cuz shadow of war
This is gambling plane and simple
I just want cheats and mods : (
Fuck off with microtransactions who gives a shit its not the end of the world
yes. end of discussion
I hate micro transactions…
I look forward to bypassing the need for micro-transactions entirely by using Cheat Engine.
Do not want
Well everything is going in the direction of mobile games to speed up you have to buy
Personaly, I will wait until the game is released to give my opinion about the microtransations. It could be just an additional feature that won't really affect the main experience, or maybe they are going to force us to buy those chests by slowing your progress on the game. With that said, I preffer wait than hurry and accidentally make a misconception.
English is not my native language, so, feel free to make any observations about my grammar, it could help me improving my discurs.
If it has microtransactions, I will not buy it… period. Fuck WB Games… greedy fucking bastards.
I don't mind mt as long as it doesn't affect pvp this affects pvp. Look at Warframe they did mt in that game yet it is completely balanced and doesn't screw people over
Simple awnser: no๐๐๐ป
WB is a greedy shitfest. Now having that said. Monolith is a great company and very clearly is passionate about this game. Boycotting this game or pirating it or "banding together" won't do shit. "Letting our voices be heard" is basically just saying. "Yeah we've put up with mts for lots of time but let's just screw this one game over bc. Fuck it." You guys are forgetting all of the other games who are worse greedy shitbags. Now having that said. I am going to fully support this game. Buying it and copies of it to share. And also am going to spend lots of money on it. Your angry boycott comments aren't going to stop me from playing this shit until i die. Have a great day and just realize. It's a game. You can get everything naturally and using mts only ruins that persons campaign experience. If they use it for that. I however am going to exclusively use them for multiplayer and hopefully just build up a stock of orcs for a speed run.
Every game has micro transactions. I don't see what the big deal is, it's optional additional content that you pay for if you want it. Welcome to the world of supply and demand.
still gonna buy the game tho but if people are up for a boycott I'm up for it
I wish mobile games were never invented because those games brought the cancer to the community of console gaming. You paid full price for a game and have to grind hard core or pay microtransaction to randomly get what you want or don't. Call of Duty for example.
We wouldn't be having this conversation if Monolith weren't an upstanding company that is open and honest with their customers. Games like Assassin's Creed Syndicate and Deus Ex Mankind Divided had microtransactions just like this, that had no effect on the game, and nobody even noticed or made a big deal out of it. Here we have Monolith displaying an unprecedented level of honesty and openness and showing people their game ahead of time, and taking fan feedback into account as they're making their game – and gamers are punishing them. We'll teach them to think twice before they're open and honest with us next time.
Why would you spend money on a game to get through it faster you want it to last so it doesn't get boring and so you get your moneys worth
Do you think the delay to Oct was mandated to add a microtransaction system to the game?
This game will be a possible goty with the occasional rebels who boycott it because of an optional feature. Get real or get a job kids
still going to buy the game any way
Honestly after hearing all of this news I kinda want to cancel my pre-order
people who defend the game by saying "I dont have a lot of time paying helps" are buying into a fiction being put forward by the publishers. Yes I get it some people are realy bussy with work or school or family, but a part of the reason you feel so short on time when playing games is that they are padding out their tedium, their grind, their progression and are becoming big empty time wasters specifically to exhaust these players, so they spend money to finally get some joy out of their game, its disgusting. gaming on a tight time schedule doesn't have to be unfulfilling but with microtransaction it is profitable to make games that are unfulfilling on a tight schedule.