Daenerys Targaryen gives her dragon the order, “Dracarys”. She showed up and stole the show!
Daenerys Targaryen gives her dragon the order, “Dracarys”. She showed up and stole the show!
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little slag
I've watched this clip so many times, I would kill myself if I dashed her
This is just so fucking perfect.
She would be fine to bare my children
Missandrei's face when she looks at The Master when they both find out Danaerys knows Valyrian: YOU ARE SO BUSTED! XD XD XD
3:02 that look…….
One of the best scenes in Game of Thrones!!
She shouldn't have called Dany a bitch LOL
Back when I actually liked Daenerys as a character
well he did say to "blood them" best part ever.
I miss season 3 Dany
I wonder how hard it was for Emilia Clarke to speak a fictional language?
Idk if anyone is gonna read this but I felt like in this season the valryian sounded better because now it doesn't even sound good anymore but oh well I still watch the show
Who still gets goosebumps in 2017?
I have never watched a single episode of game of thrones but now i love her
Something have never understood, why does Daenerys say her dragons are they only children she will evar have? Did her first pregnancy leave her sterile? Don't rember reading or hearing that.
This episode was fiiiiire

I absolutely love this whole sequence and have watched it countless times, but there was always something familiarly thrilling about the part that starts around 5:21 where her proposition is hanging in the air and we're waiting to see if her words take effect, and we finally have a lone spear stamped in answer, which is gradually joined by others, swelling into a unanimous response and the mobilization of the entire army. It wasn't until watching it for the umpteenth time just now that I was finally able to put my finger on what this part reminded me of: the scene in Bedknobs & Broomsticks when Angela Lansbury casts the "Substitutiary Locomotion" spell in the medieval museum and for a drawn out moment it appears that the magic doesn't take, till a lone drum starts up, soon followed by another, then horns, and culminating in the stirring to life of all the suits of armor, ready to march off to war at her bidding.
badass scene
It's amazing
Nyke Daenerys Jelmāzmo hen Targārio Lentrot, hen Valyrio Uēpo ānogār iksan. Valyrio muño ēngos ñuhys issa.
“I am Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, of the blood of Old Valyria. Valyrian is my mother tongue
I always enjoyed most endings to an episode with a dragon's roar/cry
OMG Khaleesi is fire

4 years ago wow. Drogon is HUGE. I hope he gets bigger. MY BABIES. Daenerys, missandei, drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion.
Can george RR martin create a name for my first child please? Lol remember when that cunt tried to steal her dragons, lets see you try it now

Drogon : Mother come back!!! don't you leave me here with this creep !!
Sir Jorah : He has a point
I only noticed now that the slave master farted when she said she spoke valyrian
Pronouncing darcarys has changed over the time.
She says "Slay the masters"; he says "I am your master"…
3:29 This is what you get for trying to roast Danerys Targaryen.
Missandei's face at 3:02 – she knows what's about to happen to him
one of the best Game of Thrones scene..
And people think she's becoming mad now… THIS is Daenerys. This is she. She hasn't changed. And she's good. She's damn good.
Execute order 66.
I really don't like this character for the hypocrisy of Dany. She lies and kills others yet she consider herself " queen of justice" she can't even keep a promise. Geez her and the weak Sansa are really frustrating
i was so worried at first that she was giving away er dragon
Baristan draws his sword
No fucks to acquiesce.
I've watched this scene like 40 times at least… I'll be showing this scene to my great grandchildren someday. Just unbelievably epic.
Damn, the unsullied are pretty ballsy……
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