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Here's my TOP 10 Movies and TV Show Moments of 2017 lots of funny, super hardcore and just awesome moments. I could have made a top 100 list, but let me know what your top 10 best of list is from this year!
Heres my Top 10, have to say very hard though!;
1) Avengers Infinity War trailer
2) X-Men finally coming back to Marvel!! (Fox & Disney Merger)
3) Arrow verse cross over this yr (Crisis on Earth X)
4) Logan
5) Thor Ragnarock
6) Spiderman Homecoming & him coming back to Marvel
7) The Deffenders Netflix
8) The Punisher Netflix
9) The Gifted
10) Wonder Woman
My number 1 spot of 2017 goes to Logan. That movie is one of my absolute favorite movies of all time. The Dark Knight trilogy is my personal benchmark for exceptional movies and for me Logan is as great as they are. The perfect send off for Hugh Jackman and his Wolverine.
Think game of thrones the knight king taking down viserion was pretty heart wrenching!
Wow this channel is awesome. You pretty much cover my three favourite tv shows/movies: Game of Thrones, Star Wars, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Keep doing what you're doing man!
The entering of the "Beast "was good awesome
my childhood was awesome because of Hugh Jackman…
How os introducing mutants to the marvel universe work tho cause they cant just come out of no where and dont say there im hiding cause at one point they should have helped out
So doing top 10 of 2017 is law now? Do all channels have to do it before 00:00:00 or they will be demonetize or deleted or something?
Happy New Year to all!
the big payoff for the Peaky Blinders series finale
Awesome year
I still haven’t seen JL yet lol, is that a good thing?
i agree that logan was the best thing of 2017, just amazing in every way
great video! keep it up>
Infinity war will be awesome
Happy New Year Charlie, cool video!!
Hello Charlie! Nice wrap up of the year from your perspective. I Agree with you on it. Personaly my favorite thing coming from the tv shows during the last quarter of the year was Punisher.
Logan and Thor Ragnarok best part of 2017 for me
DCEU falls short because they don’t spend time with character development. We got a handful of Marvel movies before the avengers which meant we knew and understood the characters before they were all together. However, DCEU just went straight to Justice League without telling you about the flash or cyborg.
Worst part of 2017 were the days I got on YouTube and Charlie didnt post yet. Then I remembered he did but I watched it earlier
Gotham please
It's hard to pick that one best moment because a lot of things were good but either way nice video Charlie!
Zip it Stan Lee!
No, no it's not. Mediocre at best.
happy new year !!!
first of all, thanks for ur videos charlie! Second, logan was one of the best movies of this year! just spectacular! and my most anticipated movie 2018 is without a doubt inf war!
I think I'm the only comic movie fan who didn't like Logan
Happy New year!! As usual… great video
Now is the time for Action,loved that speech!!!
are you going to do a video about black lightnings first episode when it comes out