Emilia Clarke and Kit Harington Funniest Moments
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Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke have the best friendship. These two hot actors, who play Jon Snow and Daenerys on ‘GoT,’ have had some adorable co-star moments over the years that we’ll never forget! Even though Jon Snow and Daenerys didn’t share a scene together until Game of Thrones season 7, Kit Harington, 30, and Emilia Clarke, 30, have been besties for years. When they did start filming scenes together, they had a blast on set. Emilia posted an Instagram photo in Aug. 2017 of herself and Kit that will make your heart melt. Emilia and Kit were all dressed up as Daenerys and Jon, but Kit had on his glasses. Okay, Kit is even hotter WITH glasses! Emilia captioned the photo, Wait….. did I NOT tell you guys?! Um yeah. Now if he’d only bend the bloody knee there’ll be no problems….. #modragonsmoproblems #igot99problemsandjonsnowisone #whichroundsmeupto100problems #youknownothingjonsnow.”Emilia also posted a hilarious Instagram video of Kit pretending to be a dragon when the cameras weren’t rolling. Seriously, Kit and Emilia are just the cutest. During a break in filming, Kit and Emilia went to a concert with co-star Nathalie Emmanuel, 28. Of course Emilia snapped some epic photos of her night out with her co-stars! When Kit was on the cover of Entertainment Weekly in 2016, Emilia grabbed the magazine and posted the most incredible Instagram selfie. She acted like she was totally surprised that Jon Snow was alive. LOL, Emilia!Wherever these two co-stars are, they always have so much fun. At the 2016 Emmys, the two gorgeous co-stars struck a pose in what’s possibly the most beautiful photo ever! Even though Jon Snow and Daenerys are falling in love on Game of Thrones, don’t expect a romance to happen between Kit and Emilia. Kit has been in a loving relationship with co-star Rose Leslie, 30, who played Ygritte, since 2012.The Game of Thrones season 7 finale is going to be one of the show’s most epic episodes ever. Will Jon Snow and Daenerys finally give in to their feelings? Kit and Emilia’s chemistry is FIRE! Get all the latest on the GoT finale by listening to our HollywoodLife podcast now! Plus, stay tuned for HollywoodLife.com’s coverage of the Game of Thrones finale airing Aug. 27 at 9 p.m. ET on HBO!A video of part 1 of Game of Thrones Cast Funny Moments.With all the recently implemented rule changes in the Primetime Emmy Awards, there’s some confusion as to what constitutes a drama versus a comedy. One show there was absolutely 100 percent no confusion over was classifying HBO’s Game Of Thrones as a drama — that show is as serious as a freakin’ heart attack, you guys. But, Game of Thrones actually has some funny moments. You know, in between all the blood and death and general carnage. When little girls aren’t being burned alive or beloved characters getting their heads smashed into a pulp, the writers often do a good job of alleviating the seriousness with some well-placed humor. It’s just often immediately forgotten about, since the OMG-worthy talking points everyone is discussing next day are the deaths and the betrayals and the dragons. (Never forget the dragons.)The Game of Thrones Season 5 finale, “Mother’s Mercy,” was even more depressing than usual for this show. (Yes, I’m talking about Jon Snow’s death. Still not over it. Never will be.) So, just in case you still need some cheering up one month later, here’s a reminder of some of the times the show actually made us laugh, and there are more moments than you think.Tywin’s pompous entrance into the throne room after saving all of King’s Landing from Stannis’ army is slightly undercut by the fact that his horse just shat all over the floor.Speaking of undercutting solemn occasions… When we first meet Catelyn’s younger brother Edmure, he’s epically failing at lighting his own father’s funeral pyre. The hilarity of Edmure’s silent humiliation in is only increased when his gruff uncle Brynden steps in, fires a shot, and walks away without even looking to see whether it landed or not. (It did.)Badly translated lines are always good for a chuckle or two. Like Bruce Banner’s mangled “You wouldn’t like me when I’m hungry” in 2008’s The Incredible Hulk, this meaning of Tyrion’s sentence is utterly lost in translation. (For the record, he intended to say his Valyrian was a bit rusty. Easy to see how one would get those two words confused.)Curmudgeonly old Walder Frey has had eight wives, 22 sons, seven daughters, and god knows how many bastards and grandchildren. So you’ll forgive him for blanking on the name of one of his prodigious brood when introducing them to Robb Stark. “My granddaughter… Waltha? Walra? Waldina.” “I’m Mary.” “Fine.”

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