Speaking to theSkimm recently, Game of Thrones star Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Tagaryen) fielded a question from a fan: was there any scene from the show that she would have changed?

Clarke didn’t have to think too hard about that one. “Was there any storyline or scene that I would have changed?” she asked. “Hmm, right…the bit where I died!”

Clarke answered the question with her typical good humor — she’s obviously joking — but even two years after the end of the show, Daenerys’ death at Jon Snow’s hands after she burns down King’s Landing is still a raw subject for some fans, the ending of the series having inspired a lot of…let’s call it “spirited critique.”

What Game of Thrones scene would Emilia Clarke change? “The bit where I died!” obviously

That said, Clarke has more or less moved on, and is currently out there promoting her new comic book MOM: Mother of Madness, about a single mom and scientist who gets superpowers and has to try and balance work, life, family and crime-fighting. Maybe eventually some of the cast and crew members will sit down for a detailed post-mortem of the ending (or even a sequel; who knows where Drogon took Daenerys after picking her up and flying away from King’s Landing?), but until then, you’re welcome to sample our own ramblings on the subject:

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