In anticipation of Tom Cruise’s big sci-fi movie, Edge of Tomorrow, we decided to go back to the most recent Tom Cruise sci-fi movie for sins… Oblivion. It co-stars Morgan Freeman and that guy from Game of Thrones whose name I don’t feel like trying to spell… but the sins are still there, plain as day.
Thursday: Sins of another recent sci-fi film.
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No movie is without sin. Which movie’s sins should we recount next?
Damn if those drones aren't scary as hell. They did a great job with that.
Why doesn’t Tom Cruise just change his name to Jack already
So do we take one sin off now that Houston has won?
2017 superbowl is coming up, guess it's time to finally see the real results.
Houston won lol
oh shit just realized that Houston won in 2017 lol. video was made in 2014 and he said that they werent going to win
Lol he said the Astros wouldn’t win the world series, wins in game 7
1:42 – well…the Houston Astros won the World Series this year, so…does that count?
Saw it once, that was enough. Seen it a thousand times, just had different titles.
Then Huston won the World Series in 2017.
Houston Astros one game away from wining 2017 super bowl!!!!
u might eat ur words haha Texans are decent this year
the first time left a much better impression than the second viewing… damn. I remember this one being a fresh of breath air after lots of crappy films from 2011-2012
Love the Tony Romo jokes
Fuck you cinemaSins!!
Anyone watching in 2017
Well, pulling out is the smarter option.
yeah skyrim was better
"I thought you were Jack Reacher" lol
you ruined the movie for me But I thank you cause its bad
Did vika not realise it wasn’t her jack, when his uniform said 49 and not 52?
Huston is in the world series??????? Any ways allu have Todo is read NASA circa 2025 , to know a nuke we be set in balltic sea late Nov for fake war
Also the survivors survived on Soylent Green.
Once again, the aliens are centrally networked to one source (Independence Day much?). Destroy that, and their whole system goes down. Thankfully the drones are not autonomously powered because THAT would be more efficient. And smart. I still liked this movie, just like ID4, but both have serious flaws.
So 52 was looking for the house that Jack built? Was he literally named that for the rhyme or is that just coincidence?
The entire movie is really about the ending and showing off the house that jack built. Kind of a rip off of Mother Goose if you ask me.
Too many people over think things. It is just a movie man
I'm just trying to figure out how this movie didn't bring on a lawsuit. They don't own the trademark to "Oblivion".
1 thing I noticed that is not mentioned in this vid is that Jack by blowing up the Tat destroyed all his clones, so where the hell did the Jack of the last scene come from?
This is the reason I looked for errors in the script and found this vid.
depending on how strong the explosive force was stronger than the gravitational force of the the earth yes the moon would still be there like that
I just want to build a sky-Bourne house like that!!!
Commercial at the end, 5 sins
i really liked the movie it was beautifuly filmed
0:16, depends on the distance, and no… the moon is not that far.
i refuse to watch this cuz of tom cruise. i wont give that head case another dime of my money
When I first watched this movie I really thought that human's were supposed to live on Titan (Saturn's largest Moon)! I watched the entire movie to see if he ever went back or even if it showed Titan but no! This movie was a disappointment of what I was expecting!
Ya know?
It's hardly fair to blame the movie makers "wanting to get cruise on a motorcycle"; the truth is that they had no choice in the matter, it's a point in every contract of Cruise's that he must have a scene featuring him riding a motorcycle. I guess that's one thing we can't put down to his crazed cult…
Stunt double got in shot! Lmfao!
There's a price to be paid for McGuffins. Lol
Not those aliens from Signs, we sure showed them, with water!
Man i freaking loooove this movie.
It's Jaime fooking Lannistah!
So I've just seen 112 sins of this movie… and I still love it
CinemaSins you sir are an asshole, make a movie yourself and release it and we'll all marvel at your legendary film making prowess, wtf are you talking about?
I always asked myself: If they really are just needing planets for their water, why the fuck should the aliens pick inhabited planets? There are tons of planets out there with water who don't have any life on them, so they could just pick those and avoid any resistance.
I couldn't help myself but seeing ALL THE DUMB STUFF, so I had to come here and see how many there was.
Also a bit disappointed cause I expected that the gun that shot Julia was MEGA OBVIOUS when facing the screen would be "checked" here.
Did the thing that should have happened in 2017 happened or no?