In anticipation of Tom Cruise’s big sci-fi movie, Edge of Tomorrow, we decided to go back to the most recent Tom Cruise sci-fi movie for sins… Oblivion. It co-stars Morgan Freeman and that guy from Game of Thrones whose name I don’t feel like trying to spell… but the sins are still there, plain as day.

Thursday: Sins of another recent sci-fi film.

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No movie is without sin. Which movie’s sins should we recount next?



  1. Once again, the aliens are centrally networked to one source (Independence Day much?). Destroy that, and their whole system goes down. Thankfully the drones are not autonomously powered because THAT would be more efficient. And smart. I still liked this movie, just like ID4, but both have serious flaws.

  2. 1 thing I noticed that is not mentioned in this vid is that Jack by blowing up the Tat destroyed all his clones, so where the hell did the Jack of the last scene come from?
    This is the reason I looked for errors in the script and found this vid.

  3. When I first watched this movie I really thought that human's were supposed to live on Titan (Saturn's largest Moon)! I watched the entire movie to see if he ever went back or even if it showed Titan but no! This movie was a disappointment of what I was expecting!

  4. It's hardly fair to blame the movie makers "wanting to get cruise on a motorcycle"; the truth is that they had no choice in the matter, it's a point in every contract of Cruise's that he must have a scene featuring him riding a motorcycle. I guess that's one thing we can't put down to his crazed cult…

  5. I always asked myself: If they really are just needing planets for their water, why the fuck should the aliens pick inhabited planets? There are tons of planets out there with water who don't have any life on them, so they could just pick those and avoid any resistance.

  6. I couldn't help myself but seeing ALL THE DUMB STUFF, so I had to come here and see how many there was.
    Also a bit disappointed cause I expected that the gun that shot Julia was MEGA OBVIOUS when facing the screen would be "checked" here.

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