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Gaming Sin’s “Everything Wrong With Fallout 4”
Watch German Version by Game Movie Entertainment:
A lot of you might have caught this already on our second channel. Just an update, we are still double posting a couple of the new game movies since we haven’t got our monetization back. We always keep it real with you guys. We love what we’re able to do here, but we need to post on GLPtv first just to make ends meet. Once we get our monetization back here, we’ll go back to normal (posting all game movies asap here, and episodes on GLPtv. We hope you understand.
Fallout 4 is the much anticipated follow up to 2008’s Fallout 3 and 2010’s Fallout: New Vegas. It’s been 7 years since Bethesda’s last Fallout game. This game is definitely worth the purchase, although it’s far from perfect. The game is simultaneously one of the best games I’ve ever played, and one of the buggiest pieces of sh*t I’ve ever played. I encountered small bugs like NPC’s randomly walking on screen while you’re having conversations, and your companion getting stuck on walls, to game breaking bugs like corrupted game saves. All in all after almost 70 hours of gameplay, the truth is that dspite all its flaws, the game was still fun for me. I can see long time Fallout fans hating the changes, but for a new Fallout player like me, I have nothing else to compare it.
The story begins in the pre-war Commonwealth (Boston Area). You only have a couple of minutes here before all hell breaks lose. Luckily you bought access into Vault 111 and secured your family’s safety.; You reawaken to watch your son being kidnapped, and begin your epic quest to get him back. In between you’ll explore a war torn world that is barely getting by 200 years after the bombs fell. This game movie is a little different since I didn’t go blindly with one side. I experimented with all the different factions and it caused for some terribly tense moments. We hope you enjoy this direction for the video. I
Fallout is strange game to edit into the game movie. There are only 2 true cutscenes, the beginning and end. The rest is gameplay and in game conversations. It works a lot better in this game since the protagonist is fully voiced, but still not your traditional cinematic game. We tried to balanced the gameplay with dialogue to keep the pace as fast as possible. but there is still a good amount of talking here. If you let yourself get sucked into the world, I believe you will enjoy the story. Check it out!
Gameplay by Knowledge
Edited by Knowledge
Our 2nd Channel GLP TV:
thumbs up if you skipped through the entire video
So far im @1:06:22 and i cant stand the gunplay of the player. Makes me mad a little ๐
you killed harambe ; – ;
Thank you for uploading this GLP. Yet another game movie I enjoyed watching, I also really loved how you humanely approached the story, especially after you switched sides, it made seeing that ship go down just as satisfying! Thanks for not just uploading this movie but all the others, many of which I have thoroughly enjoyed! ๐
vaulttec murders of the future
codsworth the apitame of british butler
that heart beating sound at the initial part of diamond city is distracting
how come each vault has different ย pip-boys?
I wish we could get more pre war gameplay.
34:30 seems like some star wars shit
When was this made? The opening is amazing! But then enter the low-poly people. It has an interesting "reverse-retro" look, but it's hard to watch with those characters.
this must have took a freaking while to upload.
gosh the nuke so shocking
5:51:37 Dat Neck-Shot!
Subscribe to my channel (kang 100)
what a horrible choices
lol watched 16 minutes of it and that was enough ๐
That fuckin' rocked.
The long awkward pauses are hard to watch
I love how I recognize some of the voice actors from Skyrim, I know this games been out a while but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna grab it, also, is it like Skyrim where you can be part of more than one faction?
removing kara from FO 4 was a problem for me at first…however, when I became a raider in Nuka World……
I'm 18 min in awesome so far!!!
1:39:58 i did that.๐ hell I always do๐
wassup gamer little playground lol
whose wasthing this at 2017
War, has changed.
In my opinion i think fallout 4 is a great game and but it doesn't mean that I don't hate some things about it I think that they have to bring back the old dialogue system and give more freedom to choose and more different ways you can talk to people as make the character that you made feel like his or her choses matter good luck Bethesda on the next game
See this is why I don't play games Anymore this should have been way better
If you wanna get technical, most of these scenes aren't "cut" from the actual gameplay.
33:22:31 on the ground there is a pic of cats:)
That moment when McDonough is speaking and you inject a stimpak in your chest
I guess not
Does anyone notice it is 5 hours
Stop skipping
Has anyone wondered that Mr. Able looks like Sully off of Uncharted?
the only cutscene is the opening
all of it was dialog
made me cry a little at the end
The story always starts with "War, war never changes" doesn't it?
I think it's hilarious that the player character looks like Brendan Fraser haha
you suck at aiming… ๐
Huh…never knew your name was Michael. Kinda weird seeing as that's also my name.
some of you may disagree but i am just going to say i hate walking through the large abandoned cities at night
Did you know when you go to the memory den the girl when you walk into the place the one on the top floor here name is amari backwards
Hey what program did you use to record all of this ?
this movie had a Lot of teliports for the character and some glitches wasn't really that good and he took to much time to reply to people
I can't even bring myself to watch the cutscenes , this game was the cancer of all fallout games. Heres hoping obsidian make fallout boneyard or fallout 5
you rock at movies