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  1. This video was great, I just wish they talked about each city individually instead of together, made it a little harder for me grasp everything lol.

    That being said, South Town is a far more interesting and better place to live imo, making Metro City the winner because jebus fucking cripes that place looks like you'd catch an STD from inhaling too deeply.

  2. Rather live in South Town. Because if you were rich you could live comfortably untill your final day when the city is instantly destroyed by a death ray. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd rather live the high life and then die in an instant, as opposed to being butt-raped by Poison everyday. Well, then again….

  3. Very late to the party but brilliant work guys. That was a blast. Final fight is my favourite game of all time. Ahhh then times I spent in the arcade with friends spending everything I had trying to beat it

  4. You forget that the city doesn't exist anymore BECAUSE of the sheer weight of it's problems. MetroCity still exists because it's problems are somewhat (word used loosely) "manageable." There are ways MetroCity could top it, but I'm thinking they would have to hemorrhage a satanic evil into the world that infects the rest of the earth… or become Silent Hill.

  5. What's Woolie complaining about? SouthTown is nuked into a crater. Argument over, SouthTown is shittiest of all cities. Even glowing zombies can't touch that.

  6. I like the way you put it, but another thing not a lot of people know is that only the non-breakable blocks that give you stuff (the coin blocks or mushroom blocks). Although even though he's not killing them I guess Mario is still punching people.

  7. Mushroom Kingdom,Silent Hill, Racoon City, Arkham City, Rapture, The Ishimura and others don't got shit on fucking DREAMLAND.

    The cute and candy covered world is only how Kirby views it. In reality it is a baron wasteland with its people in a constant struggle to kill the Lovecraftian horror that you control.

    But a fate worse than death is being swallowed by the beast. No one knows what truly happens in its bowels but many have speculated that those eaten are stuck in an infinite death loop.

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