Glad to collaborate with Bill and Melinda Gates in this video! Check out their annual letter ►►
How Batman DESTROYED Gotham ►►
How Trump is Winning with Reality TV ►►

How do you really silence the “Merc with a Mouth” once and for all? Crash two alternate Earths together? No it’s simpler than that. If you want to kill an immortal like Deadpool target the mind!

Subscribe for more Film Theories! ►►

Marvel’s Ant-Man Could KILL Us All! ►
Luke SHOULDN’T Destroy The Death Star ►
Is Hitman’s Bulletproof Skin POSSIBLE? ►►
Neo ISN’T The One in The Matrix Trilogy!►►

Twitter: @MatPatGT

Like the theme song? Thanks to CARF!



  1. In an alternate universe a evil deadpool killed a alternate deadpool. Wanna kill your own deadpool? Here's how! Step 1: cut off his head! But with his combat skillz it will be pretty tricky, just be aware you could randomly get shot at any moment! Step 2: blow his head up in a microwave! Easy as pie! And afterwords you can heat up pie! Just be aware of his back talking issues! Complete these two easy steps and bam! You have killed yourself a deadpool! Go give yourself a pat on the back and heat up some pie 🙂 (be aware you may taste some deadpool in your pie if you use the same microwave)

  2. Problem is, that the experienced neurons are altered in a certain way. Means the cell itself is different from a newborn cell. The probability is actually just as high to recreate an already altered cell. The cell itself may be new, but recreated with already the altered information. Still containing it. Still containing the encoding patterns. Becouse what would make a problem here is, that all of our body cells have to be renewed from time to time, just as neurons. Yet it doesnt mean that we loose our memory from regeneration cycle to regeneration cycle.

  3. If I could have any power, I would want the power of an animus from Wings Of Fire. Animus dragons (I would still be a human, of course, but the book series revolves around dragons) can enchant items to do whatever they want. They can also enchant other dragons, but that's kind of considered evil. Supposedly, the only thing an animus can't do is bring someone back from the dead. I could do literally anything with that power.

    The only issue is, if an animus uses their magic too much, their soul will be corrupted…

  4. Invisiblity. If you have the ability to fly, then your either going to sprout giant wings, or youll just hover. And if you hover, flying wont give you superspeed, wich means you will fly as fast as you run. Also, whats so fun about flying around, while your freezing? With invisibility, you can get on trains, without using money, scare the crap out of people, and still maintain a job, and a comfortable life, without the CIA knocking on your door, (as long as your carefull,) and disecting you, because someone just happened to see you fly, unless your flying in some succluded park, wich is pretty hard to find, or at least, pretty boring.

  5. It really is brightening my day, MatPat, thanks a lot! ~wait hang on, am I a sociopath now because I LIKE these videos?

    HA PSYCH no I'm not.
    Anyway, these videos show a love of research and an active mind, no matter how many childhoods it ruins. (don't worry, I never had one in the first place.) I also love how deep these go, even down to the mental waters of Finding Dory! So go ahead MatPat, make these videos as dark as you want!

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