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Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared DECODED! ►►
Is Daenerys Going MAD in GoT? ►►

Part 2 of DHMIS is HERE! Because frankly you guys in the comments would never let me live it down if I didn’t release this right away. But really, I wanted to make sure I crammed as much DHMIS lore and as many Easter eggs as possible into this episode, and those eggs take time! But now we’re ready to talk everything Roy and Red Guy and raw chicken and father’s day! Oh boy, what have I even gotten myself into…

Zootopia’s DRUG TIES? ►►
Rick’s TRUE Crime! (Rick and Morty) ►
Ghostbusters’s Stay Puft Calories?! ►►
Is Dory FAKING? ►►
Proof of Turtles in New York – TMNT ►►
What is DBZ’s Kamehameha Wave? ►►
Can Dr. Who’s Doctor be a HUMAN? ►

Twitter: @MatPatGT

Like the theme song? Thanks to CARF!



  1. This will always be my favourite FT because it’s the only really positive one. It ends on such an uplifting note. Instead of being like “LOL I’m gonna make this kids thing edgy and dark” he takes a p dark series and turns it on its head. It’s the only one I really agree with as well, an don’t just watch bc it’s entertaining.

  2. I have three things to say. My name is Roy, I think I need a name change. When I watched this video I realised that Roy used that machine to torture yellow guy.
    Lastly when I watched the credits
    I saw Roy, but I had no idea it was the guys dad.

  3. Personally I think this also goes along with what he said but I think that none of that actually happened because red saw what was going to happen and he saw that it was going to become corrupt so he pulled the plug on the whole operation and declined Roy's offer before all happened and Roy Cook his shows idea and then start finding it and then when it's so red who's the red red so what's going on he left but then at the very end of episode 6 it cuts back to the original creator of it blue

  4. You know which internet sensation I would love to see a theory on? Charlie the Unicorn or Llamas in Hats. Film Cow has some very interesting stories that appear random for the sake of it but I'm sure if you pulled out your microscope you could be sure to find a theory or argument hidden within their ludicrous walls.

  5. I think it’s about how the yellow guy lost his friends and became Insane from his guilt and Roy is either his dad who he was abused by or Roy is him when he gets older and he dies to meet red again but hey that’s just a theory

  6. My personal theory: June 19th, the date that has been shown in the background of every single video. June 19th was Father’s Day in 1955. If you haven’t seen the bonus video with red guy being interrogated by that bear looking man, he seems to be a nazi. Germans were taken over 10 years prior although it is possible that maybe in this separate universe they were never defeated and maybe the axis powers won. I believe that Roy, yellow guys possible Father might be mad because it doesn’t seem like yellow guy payed much attention to him on Father’s Day not getting him anything and respecting his father on the one day people normally would. Roy is controlling all these events for the three to learn but also suffer for a lesson. Red guy I believe is supposed to be representing an adult, duck as a teenager being the middle sized one, and yellow one being the smallest as the child. If you look at each of their personality’s it seems that red guy seems to be the most boring which makes sense because he is not a kid. Duck seems to still have some fun but knows that their growing up like the red one did. Yellow guy still has tons of fun being a very young kid.

  7. I have a theory a film theory

    DON'T HUG ME I'M SCARED IS IN RED GUYS MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It may not make sense at first but like MatPat said the karaoke was before the 1st episode and he has hand puppets of yellow guy and duck so I think it is in the imagination of red guy.

    But hay thats just a theory a commented theory thanks for reading!

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