Rick’s True CRIME! | Rick and Morty ►►
Deadpool WROTE Deadpool?! ►►
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Rick and Morty is AWESOME! Between the Rick and Morty VR game and the surprise launch of Rick and Morty Season 3 on April Fool’s Day, everyone is ready to get schwifty with Rick and the gang. But while we eagerly await more schezwan sauced adventures, there’s a theory that’s been brewing in the background, one that hits on one of my other favorite cartoons of all time — Gravity Falls. Is Rick and Morty a continuation of Gravity Falls? Is a crossover between the Gravity Falls gang and Rick and Morty likely to happen soon? Why would I even think that these two franchises share ANY similarities? Get ready, Theorists, to have this whole Gravity Falls / Rick and Morty puzzle start getting pieced together.

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Like the theme song and remix for this episode? Thanks to CARF!

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  1. In the episode where Bill Cipher gets erased with Stan's memory replay bill ciphers weird random words in reverse and it will say something weird like an incantation or some weird stuff but all I know is that's how he came back

  2. Pure stupidity. They wouldn't bring a kids show to an adult content cartoon. They cant have moments of rick saying shit or damn with gravity falls characters in the same show

  3. What if Bill cypher was mortys or beths idea of rick and was created at the couple counseling thing. And maybe the reason rick has no problem leaving a dimension is because Bill already destroyed his original one.

  4. Ive never watched gravity falls before. Is there a reason why that old guy has 6 fingers just like the hand on the books cover? The kids for some reason only have 4 and rick and morty have five fingers. So my guess is that theyre all from a different universe but collab sometimes. But hey remember its just a theory a mediocre fan theory! Thanks for reading!!

  5. Season 3 Easter Egg Update: In "Morty's Mind Blowers", we get to see a number of labeled vials containing Morty's extracted memories, most of which are labeled with ridiculous, unhelpful titles, except for 2 vials, labeled "STANFORD" and "BILL_C". This means that at some point, Morty almost certainly met Stanford and Bill Cipher _in person_, and whatever went down was so horribly traumatic he asked to have the memories removed from his mind.

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