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WESTWORLD is an insanely good show. It manages to create a deluge of mysteries and then solve All of Them! This has made it SO difficult to come up with a Westworld Theory! However, there is one key question that Westworld has yet to answer and about which the Creators only hint: WHERE IS WESTWORLD?! Well after some intense research, I have Found the Answer and can confidently Reveal the location of Delos Inc.’s massive amusement park!

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Like the theme song and remix for this episode? Thanks to CARF!

Twitter: @MatPatGT



  1. I know that mot people believe freddy wa a legit pizza venture gone wrong BUT… According to your own video (the one i believe i the mot up to date it change every week with all the new lore (erouly how the f**k do you keep up with it all freddy pizzaria ( or at leat it animatronic were peifically deigned to kill kid

  2. I do not think that this is under the sea, due to one reason only. Salt. If they have build a dome or whatever under the sea they would have to bring ALL earth and dirt from above sea level. Furthermore they would have to alter the terain in each and every way, removing seashells, korals and so on. I think it is a artificial Island or smth like that. What ever it is far away from civilisation due to the Hyperloop type train in the Tube.

  3. Problem with westworld being 500 square miles…. That gives it a diameter of 25 miles. Yet in scenes from Westworld when you see mountains in the background. those are at least 20-25 miles away from the viewer in ANY shot. (I've been out west enough to be able to figure distances to far off mountains) That means it should be much MORE than 500 sq miles. (Unless the mountains are trompe l'oeil)

  4. Interesting theory. Someone in the comments below already covered that water pouring into the complex was from the huge masses of melting ice due to the refrigeration failure. About the wording you pointed out: 1) Bernard says he can't get a signal "out here." I think that if he was under the ocean he would have said "down here." 2) References are made to the "mainland," instead of "the surface" which I think would make more sense if you were under water. 3) "Port of Entry." When it comes right down to it, PORT just means DOOR, but sounds more like an island. 4) "Decompression Chamber." They didn't say "Depressurization" which is what you do when you come up from the ocean, which a person in Westworld probably wouldn't need, since they'd take a pressurized vessel, (submarine) into a pressurized biodome. "Decompressing" from your experience at Westworld is what you would do before re-entering the real world. Lastly, it all comes down to economics. A 500 sq mile biodome complete with running rivers, mountains, canyons, clouds and plant life UNDERWATER? Maybe. But consider that Delos is a corporation, and would find it much cheaper to either build its own surface island, or just slap a 500sq mi biodome over a surface desert somewhere in the western U.S., eradicate all indigenous wildlife, and control the climate like that.
    In conclusion, i'd say that I can follow you on the biodome idea, but the idea that it's under the ocean seems highly unlikely considering the other land based options available to a corporation who needs to keep costs down in order to unsure maximum profits for its shareholders.

  5. Film Theory!!! Can u answer me these questions about WestWorld! In the movie what happened after the movie with Peter Martin? What Happened to guest who played the Sheriff? and is WestWorld, FutureWorld and Beyond WestWorld a sequel to WestWorld (TV) Is it all connected? Plz answer me these questions, These are huge questions!!!

  6. Actually I believe I know almost EXACTLY where westworld is. Remember that brief moment where we can't see the globe? You can barely see any countries but you do see the sea and somewhere in that sea is west world
    But hey that's just a theory a COMMENT THEORY thanks for reading

  7. What about water pressure. Although I loved the video. I doubt that Delos could have build a free floating park. It would be too heavy. So it must be at the bottom of the ocean where it is impossible for people to be because of the pressure. I know that there is the mesa gold but. You physically can't get to the park otherwise.

  8. I don't know if I'm the only one, but when they got down to the broken hosts, where the globe was, I first thought that the outside world was destroyed, since it looked kinda broken and the "basement" in Westworld looks so broken and old. I always thought that it was weird, since they kept all their rooms clean and futuristic. Also – when they is a lack where water can get in – why don't they fix it?

  9. Also for your consideration the Bioshock interview also brings up how the way the protagonist ignore's NPC dialogue to cut the good parts, was kind of sad when you think about that being their whole life.

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