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Outlander, Claire Randall, Jamie Fraser, Season 3, Episode 13, Joe Abernathy, Mr. Willoughby, Fergus Fraser, Marsali, Geillis Duncan, The 200 Years Old Bones, John Grey, Voyager

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The Temperature of the Air on the Bow of the Kaleetan by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

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This video contains information on:
Outlander Season 3 Episode 12
Outlander Season 3 Episode 13
Outlander Season 3 Episode 12 Review
Outlander Season 3 Episode 13 Promo
Outlander Season 4



  1. For me the magic is gone- the first two seasons were very strong, they had compelling storylines and the Scottish history gave it a gravitas – with series 3 it has become a Mills & Boon romantic adventure, the depth has gone, it has become superficial

  2. I just started watching the series and it was so good I binged watched over the Thanksgiving Holidays . I have reviewed the season one and two at least twice. So season three makes sense to me know. What I noticed in season 3 when Brianna, roger and Claire found Gellis at the stones Roger and Brianna heard the humming. Jamie could not hear the humming. I think roger can hear the humming because he is the descendent of Gellis and Brianna can hear the humming because she is Claire and Jamie's child . Also if Roger is a Dougal's descendent and Brianna is Dougal's great niece are they separated enough to be together. I also wanted to know if Claire will have something created so that her daughter can see that she made it and is happy, like a portrait or a telegram like back to the future LOL. Money , something left to her. I wonder if there are stones in America .

  3. Dr. Joe asked Dr.C.age and she cause and age. YTC and Margaret were great as was Marsali. I have a question looking at the pictures . Was the graduation picture there at the print shop and brig scenes?

  4. As far as your #5 comment, l went back and watched the scene with Margaret. My take was she switched to channeling Bree during her conversation with Jamie and Claire. The monster was not Jamie but was foretelling (perhaps) Geillis coming for her. Any thoughts. Did anyone else get that impression.

  5. Re John Grey:. I think I saw on an Australian TV interview that the Governor's Ball scenes were the first ones he filmed immediately after being hired, which makes David Berry's acting with Sam and Claire even more amazing. I am glad that they made Mr. Willoughby not a drunkard who betrayed Jamie. All of the casting this year, including the child actors, has been superb. The only off note to me was the way the writers made Jamie so cavalier in the Edinburgh and Lallybroch scenes as to how his choices affect Claire, and his disinterest in Brianna, which is notably different from the books. Just saying I'm sorry over and over is pretty lame. Still, the positives far outweighed the negatives. Sam an Catriona have become great at physically conveying emotions as well as great delivery of dialogue. But Sam owned this season.

  6. oh the John Grey parts are so delicious, there was Jaime looking from one to another and the captain was oh noooo?, it was more than great it was like I said delicious, I wanted him (John Grey that is) to have had a mic so he could drop it …it was so good …I liked this last episode it all got tied up together. Lets see what happen next season …

  7. The question that you didn't address is? Did the episodes have too much sex? (Just kidding) I just hear different opinions from people that either want more sex or less.

    Now to the serious part, I know you mentioned just one flaw which is Claire's character, how about Roger and Brianna? Did you think the actress that portrayed her did a good job?

    One of the complains that I did have was that the last episode was too short, and not as long as the with the first two seasons. I also wished they would have had more closure in terms of saying goodbye to Mr. Willoughby and also with LJG.

    I think overall I liked this season better than the second one, since I felt that the last one went too slow and some episodes, we're too boring.

    I do have to say (and this is to you) am glad that I discovered your Youtube channel and I shall look forward in seeing more of your reviews of Outlander and yes I do love that you don't give a shit about the books 🙂

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