Filming on Game of Thrones season 8 is wrapping up any day now, but you wouldn’t know it looking at the King’s Landing set in Belfast. In fact, things are heating up, as we can see in a variety of photos and video from Twitter spy extraordinaire . Below, smoke engulfs the set. Watch, and beware potential SPOILERS:

Now let’s take a closer look. We’ve seen smoke rising from the set before, with a few noticeable differences. For example, watch this video from two weeks ago:

The smoke in the older video appears much darker. Also, it wafts into the air, whereas the smoke from the  video stays closer to the ground.

What can we take from this? We think the “smoke” from the new images is actually theatrical fog. See how it largely stays below the rooftops?

This appears to be a variety of fog known as “low lying fog,” specifically designed to hug the ground. (This is done by chilling the fog solution as it exits the fog machine, thus concluding our lesson on fog for the day.)

Anyway, while dragons make smoke, fog is more commonly associated with White Walkers. It looks like both may come to King’s Landing in season 8.

A Red Priestess had other goodies for us, even numbering images so we can follow her train of thought. “One thing I noticed is that it looks like the extensive damage has occurred from the city wall towards the Red Keep. Pic 1 was taken last Saturday.”

“Pic 2 was taken today. Notice the blackened joists.” We’re guessing that damage has something to do with the dragon rig that showed up a couple weeks ago.

“Pic 3 was also taken today, these apparently undamaged buildings are next to the Red Keep.”

As implied above, A Red Priestess says that “the main action today was occurring between the city wall and the dome.” The Red Keep facade may have been repainted, but it hasn’t yet been damaged. We’re looking at a battle in the streets.

Whoever’s fighting, King’s Landing looks like it’ll take a real beating in season 8.

Thanks to A Red Priestess for taking all these shots!

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