In the newest Late Night Digital Original, Jimmy Fallon shows how the world of Late Night is not that different from “Game of Thrones.”

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The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon features hilarious highlights from the show including: comedy sketches, music parodies, celebrity interviews, ridiculous games, and, of course, Jimmy’s Thank You Notes and hashtags! You’ll also find behind the scenes videos and other great web exclusives.

Game of Desks



  1. OH my God guys get over yourselves. This wasn't a G.O.T remake, it's a ten minute skit. This is superbly done, whether you find Jimmy Fallon funny or not. Plus how lame is it that you feel the need to watch a skit by someone you already know you don't find funny, just so you can say you don't find him funny. That's 10mins of your life you'll never get back. Also, if you feel like this was a "Missed Opportunity", why don't you Go Cosplay your little G.O.T fanfic you've clearly been holding onto forever, in your basements where you've built structurally exact replicas of the sets in your obviously extensive free time. No-one has time for your negativity here. This is just for entertainment, no people will lose their lives because Jimmy Fallon didn't get G.R.R Martin and Benniof to approve the stupid song for the skit. Lame.😒 Rant over. Just a build up from seeing so many ungrateful idiots trolling videos on YouTube just to make everyone as miserable as they are. Stay in your room… no-one wants to hear that shit

  2. this was so bad… what a missed opportunity. None of the jokes related to game of thrones or the talk show genre. Just random junior school play level jokes. Why was this made????

  3. They should make a Game of shows! Both of the Jimmy's & they could play out like the battle of the bastards & Ellen & Wendy & the talk show with cheetah girls on it.Maybe Jeremy kyle & Dr Phil.Opra & queen latifah,that would be pretty epic.

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