Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 8 – The Second Sons – Samwell Tarly kills a White Walker
Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 8 – The Second Sons – Samwell Tarly kills a White Walker
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Now we all know the ravens are the 3 eyed raven warning Sam.
Seeing this back i wonder if the crows were all from the three eye raven to warn sam to run from the white walker
he still has the blade in episode 10.
He is one of my favorite character .
the first thing he kills is a white walker… not bad for a first kill
Easily one of the top 5 moments of the show, no one knew what dragon glass was for or how to kill white walkers. Then little old Sam does this
not how it happens originally in the books. Just for you fake auto declared fans but who only watched the tv adaptation to know
That White Walker's last thought was "cant believe I got killed by you, ya fat fuck"
Samwell Tarly the badass
So far, I have Sam, Meera, and Jon killing white walkers on the show. Did i forget anyone?
The ravens are you know who
[Season 2]
White Walker: (I'm going to ignore you, in other words, spare you…) AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!
[Season 3]
Samwell: DIE!!!!
White Walker: (WTF DUDE?! WTF!!?) Ah.
aaand lord tarly have fuckin DICKOOOON
White walker suddenly become pussy when touch Valyrian steel
didnt jon kill the same walker
The ravens … Bran??
What if the white walkers can also warg into ravens and every raven that was in the trees in this scene represented a white walker?
That would mean there are a fuck load of white walkers out there!
I hate Sam and his fucking plot armor. At least have him throw the dagger or something.
from fatass to badass
Cracking open a cold one with the boys.
Easiest kill for him. From behind.
Good old Sam Tarly! A reminiscence of Samwise Gamgee from TLotR if you ask me!
Did the ravens/three-eyed-raven just reveal Sam and Gillys location to the white walker?
2:21 "Fuck the glass! We're gonna die here!"
1:02 that is what scared me. Just how quiet it suddenly got…
His scream is just unsettling.
"The only time a man can be brave is when he's afraid."
God Sam. Take the blade!
Kind of creepy when a bunch of crows (or ravens?), which can be scavengers) line up on a branch as if waiting for a meal.
He knew where to put it
Fuck the last shot bunch of faggots
Sam the slayer
do you guys think the crows were a way of Bloodraven trying to warn Sam of the White Walker approaching?
With that dagger you can buy a city , you can save your life from a White Walker, oh oh.. You fool Samwell
I always wondered, since only valyrian steel and/ or dragonglass seems to be able to kill a white walker… wouldn't that mean a single white walker could (theoretically) defeat an army of 50000 men or more if they don't have valyrian steel or dragonglass? like what would they do, they can't kill him, they can't put him in chains (would shatter too)
I like that they at least added the Ravens, as if coldhands was watching from behind a few trees
2:08 It was at this moment when the white walker knew…
he fucked up
He didn't really kill it though since the same walker is still "alive" later
Can someone tell me… that sword he picks up, was it the Valyrian steel one that he took from his father? & if so, why did it shatter but not Jon Snow's Longclaw? Am I missing something? No one has mentioned this in any videos so far.
Fuck The Crows!!!
Sam the Slayer
don't forget the dagger!
Samwell Tarly: self confessed coward, shamed his own father, can't run for shit, can't fight for shit…but the first human to kill a Whitewalker in thousands of years
Sam's being not much of a fighter and kind nature allows him to spare by the white walker. white walker be like.. this nigga is a bitch, it aint worth a kill.
'Twas dragon glass that made them and so shall it unmake them
The crows follow the crow
That is so goddamned scary, the white walker just strolling through the woods at you like It Follows.
Samwell made a very important discovery. Maybe he and not the "heroes" saves the day in the end?
Ngl Sam is brave af, had I seen the white walker I would have legged it lmfao
ohh that luky fool !!! good!!!