Reaction 8:16
Discussion 17:34



  1. The White Walkers were on their way to the Fist Of The First Men, were the Night Watch was camping out, they were not on their way to the Wall. There were 300 Nights Watch men originally, that small group is the only people left after the Battle on the Fist Of The First Men. The White Walkers always leave survivors behind. But if you really look at the angles the scene was filmed at, they might not have actually have seen Sam there.

  2. I don't think the white walker ever saw Sam. If you watch the scene…when it cuts to a wide shot, the white walker hasn't even reached the rock that Sam was hiding behind. I think he just got super lucky the white walker didn't see him and the wights are just dumb zombies.

    A lot of people bring up the white walker in the first episode "sparing" that guys life. All due respect…you don't know that's what happened. It cuts away when the guy sinks to his feet in fear. How do you know his will to live didn't push him to his feet as soon as the camera cut away. I don't buy that white walkers are letting people go to spread the news. Why? No southerner would ever believe them anyway.

    I think it comes down to the show-runners wanting to create a dramatic shot.

  3. Notice they didnt attack the guy in the first episode and he was scared too. The thing is we dont know the identity of the walkers or motives at this point. But from what it looks like is theyre trying to increase their army with soldiers so Sam is def not one of them. I agree with Dale they must be strategic.

  4. Why din't the White Walker gp after Sam? Remember the prologue in episode one? They left one ranger alive, just like they left Sam alive. It looks like they leave one alive to tell the story for… reasons.

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