Game of Thrones S05E04 – Ser Jaime Lannister and Bronn land in Dorne and fight the Dornish Soldiers



  1. That's the simple part, Bronn. We walk into Dorne, beat the crap out of 'em and take Myrcella back to King's Landing. Hugh?

    That's a great plan, Jaime, its fucking Genius. If I understand it correctly, its a Swiss fucking watch.

  2. Losing a dominant hand would definitely slow you down, but I feel as though if you were one of the greatest swordsmen in the world, your footwork and balance would be enough to outclass most middling competition.

  3. Why did he get a golden hand when he could have just attached a sword blade there? Of course, he wouldn't be as good as he used to be but it would have been steady enough if he supported it with his left hand and he would be much more coordinated.

  4. i love this scene were jaime realises for the first time, that his golden hand might be an advantage no one else has. he can block blades with this hand, an action which would confuse every one in the first moment and bring his guard down, like this dornish guy.

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