Game of Thrones 6×10
Tommen Baratheon death scene



  1. I feel bad that the kid killed himself but he was an absolutely spineless coward and also quite a backstabber. He basically threw his mother to whatever punishment the sept was preparing for her which was quite possibly death. He also aided in revoking her right to the trial by contest and cowardly avoided even looking at her. He shouldve never been put in the position where he was and instead given training in fighting and character building skills.

  2. Everyone who has the Iron Throne has droves of people who want them dead. The one who might actually be a competent monarch only had one person who wanted him dead, and it was himself.

  3. one of the scence where i actualy had a tear in the eye. he was not cruel or mean to other. just a little boy who felt in love with margery tyrell. and who would not 😉 he was just a little poor kid, opressed by his on mother. he and myrcella didnt deserve this. but its game of thrones and we all know since season one how noble characters ending…

  4. So sad. His whole life had been a complete tragedy. Margaery was the only one to make him happy. Though, he lost her, too. I would have loved to see his character getting more mature.

  5. Kind of annoying how so many people are making light of this scene. He was a good kid from a terrible family. This is a tragic scene and all the morons are just laughing about it.

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