So… here comes my 2nd Got video…
I usually tend to believe I am the only laughing at my stupid jokes, so I really hope this crack video proves me otherwise 😉




  1. There is no such thing as the friendzone. It's just what a woman says if she's when she does want to hurt her friend's feelings. Honestly, if you really like a girl try being her friend first, if she's into you she'll turn up the heat. If not start looking elsewhere.

  2. Fuck me, I only now realise that 40% of every scene on Dragonstone that involves either Jon and/or Dany is them staring at something really awkwardly. Both of the actors can´t really perform that very well, they just have one look all the time on their face and you start to notice that if there is a 3 second pause after every sentence in their dialogues.

  3. I've only watched 11 seconds from this video yet but I already can't stop laughing 😂😂 automatic english subtitle: "lord randyll Tarly chicken dolly I Daenerys of House Targaryen (…) sentence you to die" I'm sure the Hound would run back right here from north of the wall just to eat some roasted chicken.

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