Game Of Thrones 7×07 Littlefinger Death

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  1. I love this scene not only because jfc he was not a good man and it really solidified the younger Starks together, but it also explains the really strange, out of character way Arya acted when she "threatened" Sansa. She was trying to push Sansa toward Littlefinger in order for Sansa to put together the fact that he's trying to isolate and use her. I love it.

  2. Following Ned Stark's credo that he who pronounces a sentence of death should be the one to carry it out, Sansa should have been the one to slash Baelish's throat. I get it that Arya is Lady Death but Sansa should have done it.

  3. The heavies in this series are strong actresses and actors. They compel you to despise them and loath them. Anyone that can affect an audience like that deserves an Emmy. There is perhaps not a single character in an HBO series, that gets any sympathy . Deadwood, Rome, Boardwalk Empire, were all full of anti-heros.

  4. I wonder what the reaction would be from those two guards who wouldn't let Arya enter Winterfell. All the knights of the Vale would be talking about it….." It happened so fu##in fast You'd miss it if you blinked." Or something like that.

  5. It was satisfying watching him be exposed and then cower like the pathetic being he is but I dont understand what Littlefinger thought he would accomplish by turning Sansa against Arya except for his own downfall. Sure Arya is a badass killer but she cant really do much besides serving as a prop to somehow manipulate Sansa into this deusion that she would follow him and betray her family while marrying him for the iron throne which he still had no means of obtaining considering the fact that Jon, Cersei, and Danny are the only people left on this show with real power Littlefinger at this point had become more of a hinderence than anything that in all honesty no longer mattered to the outcome of the story.

  6. Crucial yet widely overlooked: Sansa herself just publicly admitted, presumably having learned from Bran, that the Lannisters, too, were innocent in 'starting' the Lannister-Stark conflict (that it was, all along, LiL Finger who had set the two houses against each other through his manipulations). Makes the early seasons interesting to watch, knowing this… e.g. when Jaime converses with Cercei about Jon Aryn's sudden death, Cercei is genuinely NOT in the know about what happened to him (and innocent of any wrongdoing with regards to his death).

  7. So sad to see such a magnificent and an intelligent character die like this he could've just said whats the evidence what all you people are saying no one saw him betraying ned or the letters from lysa or the poison that killed jon arynn , anyway you will be missed lord baelish ! Hands down the actor he deserves an emmy !


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