This has to be the most EPIC attack we’ve ever seen on Game of Thrones! Absolutely unbefuckinglievable. WARNING: Shouting. Lots of shouting. IF YOU PREFER QUIET REACTIONS, DON’T WATCH THIS ONE! Click here for our reaction to the rest of the episode:

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  1. 8:45 Definitely nailed the look of one of those fiercely over-protective mothers, when someone just messed with one of their kids. I'd call her a lioness whose cub has been messed with, but, well… that animal is already taken.

  2. It seems like the moment Drogon spit his fire and broke the line…you guys forgot about wanting Jaime to live lmao. I was so split watching this scene in the hospital. I had a whole group of nurses crowded around my bed trying to watch #dedication lmao

  3. I'm not familiar with HBO streaming, but you CAN pause it or not? You're talking over the characters, you missed some important things, it put me off, I really hate such reactors who don't pay full attention to what they're watching. Just making a comment so it could possibly help you with the quality of your videos. Cheers!

  4. This is what just the Dothraki barbarians and 1 dragon alone can do. They laid waist to Jaimie's army. We are yet to see all 3 dragons, the Dothraki, and the usullied unleash hell as a unit. Cersei better have one heck of a plan or she toast. You know she will, otherwise if it were too easy, the show would loose interest. Fun times ahead!

  5. After seeing this battle I knew why the battle at Casterly Rock and Highgarden were both so miniscule. This one had a lot of the effects and extras budget I bet. 🙂

    Love your reactions. I was thinking much of the same the other night. Run Jamie and Bronn … get out of there you fools. I really like their characters and would hate to see them get killed off. At least this season.

  6. This was one of the best reactions i've seen of this ep. At last someone says that people burning alive is "terrible" instead of "omg, omg dany is so cool. Drogon is badass. May the lannisters burn alive and fuck Bronn and Jaime for trying to kill a dragon who just massacred his whole army".

  7. holy fuck you two are missing so much by talking constantly. I mean you completely missed the part where Brann noticed the sound of the dothraki cavalry before the others, because you couldnt shut the fuck up.. way to ruin the moment for yerselves. At least I got to take it all in without anyone screaming like a bitch every 2 seconds, completely ripping the immersion apart.

  8. Disliked, applauding and screaming of joy when dozen of men are being burnt alive? WTF is wrong with you? If this show shows something is how brutal and unfair war is to innocent people.

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