Game of Thrones” actor Iwan Rheon starred as the villainous Ramsey Bolton from 2013 to 2016, appearing in 20 episodes of the HBO fantasy series and becoming perhaps the most reviled character in “Thrones” history. Ramsey’s rape of Sansa Stark on their wedding night in the fifth season episode “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken” resulted in outrage over the series’ depiction of sexual assault and violence against female characters. In a new interview with Metro (via Insider), Rheon says filming the controversial rape scene was a rock bottom moment for his career.

“That was horrible. Nobody wanted to be there. Nobody wants to do that, but if it’s telling a story then you have to tell it truthfully,” Rheon said. “They didn’t sensationalize it or anything. It was very, very hard watching. It’s a horrible thing that happens, unfortunately… It was the worst day of my career.”

Rheon continued, “Chopping someone



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