A new trailer for the upcoming Game Of Thrones Adaptation Mod for Skyrim.

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  1. When this comes out I am going to play skyrim again. I'll get some graphics mods, and then all the game of thrones mods, plus some mods o want personally for a got skyrim play through 😀

  2. Man please make this as good as possible! Take your time! Most of game of thrones mods are just the skins of the characters and their homes, make something more of it! Make quests! We dont even want them to be voiced, its not necessary if you write the characters right. You should really make this a game by itself just like that mod that launched this year for skyrim with a big map and new things to discover. And when the mod is finished don't abandon it, do updates and add new things, I want to support every minute of it!

  3. Will the fast travel map be changed to look like Westeros? Also the locations of cities be changed to fit the lore? Like how Winterfell is north of King's Landing yet Windhelm is east of Whiterun

  4. Thank for all you've done Kualan! I played the first version of the mod on my shit pc, but in a few weeks I'll get a nice gaming laptop to finally play the new version whenever it comes out.

    Ps: I was pissed when I first got the mod because there was no storms end, then i figured out it was because I didn't have dawnguard. So apologies for my hateful thoughts 😊

  5. In reply to the below comments about Bethesda being approached to make a game of thrones game years ago, aren't Bethesda currently working on two open world RPG's that no one really knows anything about? Maybe they're working on it now? Wishful thinking perhaps but my god I would freak out if that was a thing.

  6. I am sure making new game mechanics and 3D models is something easier said than done and have never actually played Skyrim myself, so my knowledge of what kinds of quests you can put into this mod is limited. 

    But if you were to hypothetically have unlimited time and budget for these, here are some other specific mods I suggest: 

    1.) I have not read any of the books, but I do know of some book-exclusive characters like Catelyn Stark's corpse reanimated as "Lady Stoneheart." Perhaps some quests could involve those characters obscure to the non-readers. Also, I have heard that in the books, Tyrion learns what really happened with Tysha, which is the final straw that makes him kill Tywin, leave Jaime on bad terms, and hope he can reunite with her. Because he has not learned the truth yet (if ever) in the TV show, one idea I have for a quest is for you to actually find Tysha as a poor and traumatized woman. After going through a series of steps to find Tysha, learn her backstory with Tyrion, and find Tyrion's current location, the quest could end with you having the chance to deliver a letter to Tyrion, via a Raven, to tell him what really happened and that Tysha is still here. It would be left ambiguous what happens afterwards. 

    2.) Have some of the spells and shouts mirror the kinds of magic and sorcery in the books/show, if you intent the player to have the chance to dabble in the supernatural forces. If there is any intent to have you be commanding dragons, perhaps the shout used to summon a dragon can have the word, "Dracarys," as its sound-effect. The Animal Allegiance shout or werewolf transformation can be modified if your character would have the chance to become a skin-changer (like the Wargs that control wolves), allowing you to have a nearby beast come and aid you (or simulate directly entering its mind to make it feel more like the lore). Their are also the faceless men and abilities of the Lord of Light-worshipping Brotherhood without Banners to consider. 

    3.) Some manticores (and maybe even ice spiders) of varying sizes can be added as enemies, replacing enemies like the mud crabs and chaurus. 

    4.) If the gameplay of Skyrim has similar features, there could be explosive barrels of wildfire that could be set ablaze. 

    5.) The model for the Mammoths could have those extra tusks removed and their sizes slightly adjusted, so they look more like the Mammoths in Game of Thrones. In addition, other already existing models could probably be adjusted to created other wildlife in Westeros, such as the Aurochs, Direwolves, Shadowcats, Snow Bears, and maybe even some actual Lions (which I saw already have been made long ago in another mod), seeing how that is the Lannister sigil. 

    6.) I am not sure if there are any plans/possibilities for the environments to include part of a beach/ocean, nor if it is possible to enable the player to fight underwater creatures. But I do know that Skyrim has aquatic enemies like the slaughterfish and there are hints that Krakens exist in G.R.R. Martin's mythos, with it even being the Greyjoy sigil. So if it was possible to make a new creature model from scratch, feature a beach/oceanic environment, and enable you to better fight enemies underwater, then one other idea for a quest I have is to feature one where you encounter a Kraken near the end (maybe having it portrayed like a Humboldt Squid, only it is over 40-50 feet long). 

    7.) As possible spoilers for the latest episodes, there could be a whole array of undead creatures. It could perhaps have the wights as modified Draugr/skeletons, some of those newly revealed undead giants, and even some undead animals that serve the White Walkers, such as the reanimated horses (and also maybe Direwolves, Snow Bears, and Mammoths). 

    8.) As another spoiler, maybe also add the ability to take control of those ballistas revealed in the TV show, if the player should be given chances to fight dragons.

  7. Kualan, I've seen the video and some images. Would you kindly send me some of the faces? I want to check them and see if I can improve the likeness of their features and eventually send them back to you.

    Let me know

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