Game of Thrones SPOILER carefull !
Aerys Targaryen, the mad king Death Scene (in Brandon visions from episode 6 season 6). Killed by the kingslayer : Jaime Lannister.

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  1. Unfortunately they did screw this scene up a little bit because when Jamie talks about it in the bath he said first he killed the pyromancer. who is not present in this scene. I know it's just a super quick flashback but still. I wish we could actually get the scene in its entirety because it's really important.

  2. They really should have made Jamie Lannister look the way he did back in season 1-2 with his medium length hairstyle for this flashback when he kills the Mad King. It just fits way more than having him slay the Mad King with his current shorter hairstyle!!

  3. I don't blame Jaime for what he did, by killing him he saved his father and the entire city,. Why is being a Kingslayer a bad thing if the King was a mad Tyrant? But, that doesn't mean Jaime's a good person as he's done other bad things. Why is being a Kingslayer a bad thing if the King was a mad Tyrant?

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