GAME OF THRONES: Best Reactions! Check out the most HILARIOUS reactions from the GAME OF THRONES BEST MOMENTS! AMAZING video.
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5:27 respeeeeeeeeeeecccctttt hahahahaha :)))))
6:12 His dog tries to imitate the show
Oh man! misled by the thumbnail, I thought this video was about best acted reactions IN THE SHOW (Ellaria is the winner of course). I don`t care about stupid people recording themselves "reacting". How many of these reactions are fake? probably about 80% … Fucking hate reaction videos
I think we were all happy on Joffrey dying scene
Nobody's talking about the guy at 3:49!!??
Game of Thrones, a show which has you in ecstasy at a childs murder and has you cheering on a one handed incestuous rapist.
And the winner is 05:30 !!!
Now we just need reactions to the rest of the show! Only GOT can bring the world together on a Sunday night. I bet the crime rate is .00005% from 9-10 PM!
most of my reactions in a nutshell!
6:16 is the best one by far. least 60 % fake..
At 6:48, the bearded dude in the white shirt…..nice!
5:24 is this where Jim Carey's been for the last several years? Binging GoT with his dog?
lmao, some people look like a bit retard or sadist xd
5:00 is totally me!!
I HATE JON SNOW!!!! I cried like a bitch when he FUCKING WOKE UP!!! I hate you jon snow…i hope cersi has your balls for breakfast!
What the hell man! I want to see Roose Bolton die!
3:58 :v
The dog at 5:25 is just like wut?
This is just the same as a football (european) game
"go away sherlock" xD xD
Am i the one who actually felt bad for Cersei but felt good when Joffrey died?
Am i the one who actually felt bad for Cersei but felt good when Joffrey died?
5:25 my favorite reaction

people who record their own reactions are the biggest cunts
7:09 – Nooowtf o.o/ – soo good
I love the one with the dog… You won't eat me right?! LOL
5:26 the do is like: what the fuck is going oooooooooooooooooon
Are You F#¤%&/( kiding me… You have "GOT"togethers…. and bars were You all see it ?????…. Nothing like that in Denmark… Im sooo jealoux
Am I the only one who actually didnt get surprised by Jon Snow coming back to life?
I mean they had obviously hired him one more season for a reason, and not just to play a dead body.
A lot of these reactions are so fake especially 5:26 jesus christ so fake it hurts