All of the history and lore segments of the Complete Guide to Westeros from the ‘Game of Thrones’ Season 1 Blu-ray combined into a single movie for your enjoyment!

Part II is now online! (

PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING: For some unknown reason the first segment pauses at around 1:30, but the film continues at 2:47. I haven’t been able to fix this.

Time index:

The Children of the Forest, the First Men and the Andals: 0:00
The Old Gods and the New: 2:47
The Age of Heroes: 5:44
Valyria and the Dragons: 8:29
The Field of Fire — House Targaryen: 11:57
The Field of Fire — House Stark: 14:41
Mad King Aerys — House Baratheon: 16:26
Mad King Aerys — House Lannister: 19:47
Mad King Aerys — House Stark: 22:43
Robert’s Rebellion — House Baratheon: 25:24
Robert’s Rebellion — House Targaryen: 28:36
The Sack of King’s Landing — House Baratheon: 31:15
The Sack of King’s Landing — House Stark: 34:13
The Sack of King’s Landing — House Targaryen: 37:15
The Sack of King’s Landing — House Lannister: 40:22
The Order of the Maesters: 43:14
The History of the Night’s Watch — House Stark: 45:45
The History of the Night’s Watch — House Lannister: 48:34
House Baratheon: 50:43
House Stark: 53:16
House Arryn: 55:27
House Lannister: 57:26
House Targaryen: 1:01:09



  1. This is great! The lore stuff is really interesting and provides some great background knowledge for the Game of Thrones/Song of Ice and Fire universe. Though I might be wrong it seems that some of these scenes (clips?) are perspective based ex. Robert Baratheon's piece about his rebellion. He is saying what he believes to be true and based on his (probably limited) knowledge of the event (which seems to be confirmed with the recent season of Game of Thrones – have not seen it myself yet). Anyway thanks for putting this up I really love learning about stuff like this. 🙂

  2. I really like how the everyone is given their own perspective on the matter of the story. Although it does show the Targaryens were the villains, it tries to not make the story one sided and it tries to not make the story a simple of good vs evil. Viserys was protected by his mother Rhaella from his father's madness so he did not see him as a mad man so to see him defend his father made the story seem more realistic.

  3. Ned argued over the killing of children and Robert called it war.
    THE SAME exact thing happened to Rob during his northern uprising when he beheaded Kalstark for killing the Lannister prisoner children. Kalstark called it "Revenge and War", then Rob Stark replied with "They were just boys"
    interesting connection

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