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This Crack!vid is a tribute to Queen, Freddie Mercury and Season 7 of Game of Thrones, with only themes of this great band. Music has always been about a good time for me, and this was certainly a very special band, Queen, Game of Thrones and more Songs to explain some situations in the last Season, a funny moments with a good music.

That´s the complete songs list in order of appearance:

1) “Innuendo”.

2) “Under Pressure”.

3) “Don´t Stop Me Now”.

4) “Too Much Love Will Kill You”.

5) “We Will Rock You”.

6) “Friends Will Be Friends”.

7) “I Want It All”.

8) “Flash”.

9) “I Want to Break Free”.

10) “You´re My Best Friend”.

11) “Somebody to Love”.

12) “The Great Pretender”.

13) “It´s a Hard Life”.

14) “Princes of the Universe”.

15) “One Vision”.

16) “You Don´t Fool Me”.

17) “The Miracle”.

18) “Bohemian Rhapsody”.

19) “Radio Ga Ga”.

20) “Who Wants to Live Forever”.

21) “A Kind of Magic”.

22) “The Show Must Go on”.

23) “Whe are the Champions”.



  1. Te has ganado del todo mi corazón con este vídeo. Mis dieces. Aunque yo le habría sacado más partido a «Bohemian Rhapsody», por ejemplo cuando Drogon quema a los Tarly: «Mamma, I just killed a man…» 😉

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