Hello Internet. In today’s video I want to try and cast some of the big ASOIAF book characters that were unfortunately omitted from the TV Show Game of Thrones. Let me know down below what you guys think of my choices!

Hope you enjoy!

Please note that I do not own, nor did I create any of the art featured in this video. This was all created by wonderful members of the ASOIAF community and much of it can be found on the excellent ASOIAF wiki

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  1. Arianne, Victarion are okay, Garlan Tyrell seems as gay as Loras.

    Ashara Dayne is so sexy omg, love the woman you've casted as her I'd like that to, same with Arianne.

    I'd subscribe but thing is idk about your channel or if you do anything else because like I hate it when other channels do things that aren't from GoT then I've got to unsubscribe because other videos are on like idk fucking star trek

  2. Most of these are good, but Andy Serkis looks absolutely nothing like Victarion. Victarion is a big guy, Serkis is tiny. You need someone like Ray Stevenson. Or, if Euron were played by Mads Mikkelsen, as it should have been, his brother Lars (who is 192 cm tall) could play Vic.

    For JonCon, Damien Lewis is a good choice, but I'd suggest Kevin McKidd or Toby Stephens.

  3. Such a shame we never got Young Griff especially as we could have got more Storm Lands scenery with him taking Storm's End, I am still unsure whether he is actually Aegon switched by Varys however you could see it happening. Varys was a staunch supporter of House Targaryen and saw the disaster Robert Baratheon was. Even Tyrion has suspicions that he is a Targaryen as he had a lot of the personality and brute force, they look to have tied his story line to Jon's which is a shame in my opinion as he desires to be a Stark due to Ned. Even when the truth comes out I believe Jon will understand and will still want to be a Stark over a Targaryen which is all he has known.

  4. it is a crime my friend your lack of subs. I love ur videos and think u fo an amazing job. I will try to spred the good news and hope ur work catches On. until then plz continue, I really look forward to and enjoy ur videos. ps. wats ur thoughtz on the crips of winterfell? they are very mysterious and give me the creeps

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