There are a ton of GoT videos to this song already and there will probably be 10 more while this uploads, but I still wanted to make my own. Enjoy!
Everybody Wants To Rule The World – Lorde
Edited with Sony Vegas Pro 13
amazing job! I'm sure there are a lot of GOT vids to this but I doubt they're all edited as well as this
My favorite part is 1:57–2:14
this is just perfectly edited! Very nice
"Your really think a crown gives you power?" – cuts to Viserys "crowning" ceremony
That is just too good xD
Oh man, that transition from "The King in the North!" immediately to the crowd coming out with the wolf's head sewn onto Robb gave me chills. Great vid!
Just amazing
I have to come back every couple months and watch this again because of how truly perfect it is
I saw this video on tumblr two years ago and I was so sad that I couldn't commentedhere on youtube. This video is a true masterpiece! If someone asks me what is GOT about, I will send them this video.
sad, Stannis dies ;/
my fav character
Good video but the resolution was shit
Until this moment I still can't find a better Music Video for Game of Thrones
In my opinion this is the best GoT fan video! It's just amazing!
Just watched three of your videos in a row, and I couldn't resist subscribing after seeing this one. As Cersei would say, "Such talent."
There used to be a much better video to this song but I guess it got deleted? I can't seem to find the original music video for this with game of thrones but it was muuuuuuch better.
youv made it like a trailer well done
goosebumps man, you earned my sub
That was perfect.
1:49 best part
Heavy is the head that bears the crown.
this could have been a trailer from HBO
This song really fits perfectly with the entire concept of the show! Awesome job!
really good ediiting
If you want to see mine, i challenge you to not have chills
wow, most of these people are dead now
video. I knew exactly what you mean with every lyrical metaphor and it all went perfectly Well done!
After this great video,i started watching game of thrones,Great!
1:19 "The picture of me on the Iron Throne and you by my side"
Amazing!!!!…Where did you get the clips?
Your videos are seriously awesome!!!!!!
I can't tell you how many times I've watched this, and I still get cold chills every single time. I cannot wait to see what else you do!
omg that gave me goosebumps… just… wow
this is exemplary
Please no boobs please no boobs please no boobs please no boobs
Sees Melisandre's boobs
Ah, fuck.
In generations to come, Tommen will be known as The Fucked King.
The song matches the arrogance, greed, and ambition that the Five Kings have for the iron throne and how it's the death of them.
oh comon who doesent like game of thrones.
I can't believe it's been almost 2 years. This was awesome back then, and still awesome. Hopefully you could edit it with no major spoilers to use it as a trailer por newcomers.