Game of Thrones, Season 3 Ep10 – “Mhysa”
HBO (2013)
–it was only then that she heard the riders pouring out the castle gate in a river of steel and fire, the thunder of their destriers crossing the drawbridge almost lost beneath the drumming from the castles. Men and mounts wore plate armor, and one in every ten carried a torch.
When Arya looked around, she saw that there were only two of the huge feast tents where once had been three. The one in the middle had collapsed. For a moment she did not understand what she was seeing. Then the flames went licking up from the fallen tent, and now the other two were collapsing, heavy oiled cloth settling down on the men beneath. The second tent took fire. The screams grew so loud she could hear words through the music.
For once the same song was coming from both castles. I know this song, Arya realized suddenly.
“Get my helm,” Clegane growled at her.
He snatched it one-handed from the air and lowered it over his head, and where the man had sat only a steel dog remained, snarling at the fires.



  1. what does arya and her captor see here when the music goes sad? all I see is a bunch of men and a horse with a wolf head or something chanting here comes the king of the north. Is that rob starks body on the horse? has he been decaptitated?

  2. Imagine, A friend you have known for 2-3 years came into your tent, After a night out drinking. And attacked you. Imagine what this would be like. This is why the RW was so successfull.

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